Into the planty maze, indeed! The word 'maze' is appropriate, actually. There's no semblance of layout, things just sort of - weave together.
"Never thought you'd turn up," says a female voice from... Well, it's hard to tell. "Come to take me back with a bleeding heart and some more excuses? 'Cause I really want to hear 'em."
"Nope, actually. The opposite. Would you believe, dear sister, that I'm here to apologize?" replies Adarin, perturbed.
She jumps down from a nearby tree. "Are you dying? Is this woman here going to kill you?"
Now that she's out of her tree, she does look vaguely similar to Adarin. The hair's different, but other than that detail - they look very much alike. Except less friendly.
Adarin sighs. "Hello to you too. Isabella, this is Zeviana, my sister. 'Ana, this is Isabella, my -"
"Girlfriend, got it. Hi, poor girl unfortunate enough to date my dork of a brother. Did you know he's an ass? Because he is."
She looks at Adarin. "So! What happened, you were pretty stubborn about -"
"Son of a bitch. Who? Who the fuck touched you, I will fucking drown them in their fucking entrails, I damn well told you that you should have just packed up and -"
"Now shut up and hug me."
"Very. So, 'ana - I did a thing. It involved going to another plane and finding lots of wonderful things including a new type of magic, advanced technology, and um - well, Isabella."
Before Adarin can explain, she adds - "Short version, please, I'm not a nerd."