"I would not have thought the same thing, but that would be because I still held a reasonably high probability that my brain would snap into Insane Witch Logic at any moment and I would decide to abduct someone for the rest of his life because he had pretty eyes."
"Ranata's probably worried. Path, go back, tell her to come on in."
Path nods and flies from branch through portal.
He's going to stop flying, now. Onto Isabella's cloudpine.
"Does Vernaia glide well enough to get down from the height of the other side of the portal by herself?"
"I do! It's not too high up on that side. I'll be okay," she informs Ranata, nuzzling Path a little.
"I'd suggest you go back for another layer to wear but there's really nothing in my house," says Isabella. "We'll fly fast, if you get too cold we can stop and figure out some magic." She snuggles him as warmly as she can.
He gives Vern a bit of a boost, and she glides back through the portal. She lands safely, preening her feathers a little once she's on the ground.
Then, Adarin gets proper snuggles.
(Path goes back through the portal too, after a quick whispered goodbye with his witch, and he snuggles Vern.)
Not to mention, feel the starlight and moonlight.
(Vern snuggles Path back.)
Ranata approves wholeheartedly (and, out of consideration for Adarin's sensibilities, clothedly) the starlight and the moonlight.
He directs them to a spot that's nestled within several hills - when viewed from the air, it's brighter than the surrounding area. Upon closer inspection, everything there has the feeling of careful cultivation, and of a lot of care. Magical care. Plants twine together to make archways and subtle fences, along with mundane things like chairs and tables. Flowers bloom in lovely complementary colors, matching the sky above and occasionally contrasting it. If there ever was a place that screams 'There is a magical person that lives here' this is definitely it.
"I think I'll go enjoy the stars for a while now I know where you're going to be," says Ranata. "Rather than intrude on you meeting your young man's sister for the first time, Isabella. I won't go too far."
When they land, Adarin hops off of the cloudpine and says sheepishly, "Um. If she gets - yelly, don't worry about it. She's somewhat upset with me from when we last saw each other and can hold grudges for a really long time."
"Nope. Especially not you, if you tell her your opinion of things in New Kystle. But she will be upset."
He snickers. "Possibly. She might actually already know we're here and is just being cagey."