"That sounds fantastic! She'd love the book, too, but she fills them up awfully fast."
"And she doesn't even have her birthday presents yet. Do years work about the same on your planet? Birthdays once every three hundred and sixty-five days?"
"Four hundred and thirteen. I'd be honestly surprised if they worked the same, though. I found a calendar on Wikipedia - so it's okay. I'll adapt to your weird, weird system of months. Eventually."
"They are all different lengths," he says primly. "And they do not make sense. Why is February randomly like two days shorter than any other month? Why do you measure weeks in sevens? That is so very strange, they're hard to multiply. Ours are in fives so it's easy for math."
"I don't actually know where seven-day weeks came from. I think you have to blame Catholics or something for the months."
He is not actually too upset about this, but it's fun to talk about.
And now Isabella is back with a large quantity of lemon-scented soap and assorted chocolates. She got two of each kind of chocolate in case Adarin sneaks some.
"Hello!" says Adarin to Isabella, brightly. He is still in his native language, he's honestly forgotten to switch. "I am grousing about how months are weird again."
"You haven't checked what their names mean in Latin yet or you wouldn't be so chipper about it."
Pause. Translation spell fills in the details.
"Oh, stars and heavens above, why?! Why is the twelfth month named after the the number ten? Why is that a thing?"
Adarin giggles a little, too. "September through December are all - none of them are the right numbers, none of them! This is ridiculous!"
Isabella sets her cloud-pine with the bag dangling from it hovering in the air and hugs him.
He hugs her back. "If we colonize a new planet can we have months that are numbered correctly? Please?"
"Just about. I need to make the spell for teleporting us to the portal, because that's cheaper than plane-shifting."