"No, no, it's brewed out of ground-up beans. Coffee beans, not like garbanzo beans. I think they might be a little like cocoa beans?"
Okay, he's definitely more awake now. Hurray, he's no longer a zombie!
"We do not. Souvenirs? Ooooh no. I will throw them at her and hope it placates her so she doesn't go on a murderous rampage when I explain why I'm giving up on New Kystle."
"... I'd say a pocket library, but no, that's just what I'd want as a souvenir. Not sure what else."
"Also the pocket library won't work there. I don't know, is there anything she likes that she's had a hard time obtaining since the whole mass refugee thing?"
"All right. In the time it took you to stagger to the kitchen I had a couple pancakes already, I'll nip out to the convenience store. Mom, is the local chain's deal with the clan still good?"
Then, breakfast. "Thank you," he says, to Ranata. "For the breakfast."
"Oh, you're completely welcome. I packed us some sandwiches, too, in case we stay long enough in your world to need them!"
"All right," he says, and then he switches languages. "So, when's Isabella's birthday? I have promised her presents."
"It's September thirteenth. That's in a few months still. Will you tell me what you're getting her? I can keep a secret," replies Ranata in the same language, pausing every sentence as though to taste it.
He is kind enough to speak reasonably slowly, though not going arduously slow. She wants to learn more about it, not have it drag slowly in front of her.
"I attach a portal to the inside of a bag rather than a wall or something. The other side of it would be in a storage area, so, essentially, she could just carry an absurd amount of things with her."