Adarin realizes something, very abruptly. He blinks, then says, "Er, Isabella, I think I'm..."
He trails off. How in the world do you tell someone you love them? Not in a familial way, but in a love kind of way. He has no idea. Absolutely no idea. So he chokes.
"... I'm glad you're here," he manages, instead.
"Yeah. I like existing. Being a daemon is nice," she says.
He trails off. How in the world do you tell someone you love them? Not in a familial way, but in a love kind of way. He has no idea. Absolutely no idea. So he chokes.
"... I'm glad you're here," he manages, instead.
"Yeah. I like existing. Being a daemon is nice," she says.
"You think you're glad I'm here. Well, I suppose that's better than the alternative," chuckles Isabella. Nuzzles.
"I like it," agrees Path.
"I like it," agrees Path.
"That - that wasn't what I'd meant, sorry," he murmurs, snuggling back.
He continues to be terrible at this. It should not be a surprise by now. Adarin's only barely avoiding pounding his head on something in annoyance. He should be better at this.
Daemon wingsnuggles. "It's so great here."
He continues to be terrible at this. It should not be a surprise by now. Adarin's only barely avoiding pounding his head on something in annoyance. He should be better at this.
Daemon wingsnuggles. "It's so great here."
"It's okay," says Isabella, sighing contently.
"Well, some parts of here. We've made kind of a habit on focusing attention on the ways it's not great. For fixing when we can," Path says.
"Well, some parts of here. We've made kind of a habit on focusing attention on the ways it's not great. For fixing when we can," Path says.
Right, okay. Snuggles are a thing he can do. Adarin will try to find a better time to tell her. Or take a while with Vern and talk about their feelings and figure out if it's true or not.
(It is, he's pretty sure.)
"Yeah, we know. We did see Wikipedia, there are... Lots of things that are a mess. We'll help, you know we'll help - but we can't leave New Kystle un-helped. It would bother us, knowing that we didn't."
(It is, he's pretty sure.)
"Yeah, we know. We did see Wikipedia, there are... Lots of things that are a mess. We'll help, you know we'll help - but we can't leave New Kystle un-helped. It would bother us, knowing that we didn't."
"We understand," says Path. "We will make sure we have all the time we need. We're pretty sure the alethiometer says we can, we just have to pick apart the instructions on how."
"Don't worry about us," says Vern. "We can afford to wait a few hundred years. You have time, you'll have us for a while."
And eventually, sleeping.
In the morning, Isabella decides she doesn't want to get up right away. She would rather lounge on Adarin for a bit longer.
In the morning, Isabella decides she doesn't want to get up right away. She would rather lounge on Adarin for a bit longer.
He is there to be lounged on! Well, also to sleep, but he loves her so she can lounge on him as long as she likes.
Eventually, he does wake up, groggily. "Mm... 'lo, beautiful..." he murmurs, snuggling.
Eventually, he does wake up, groggily. "Mm... 'lo, beautiful..." he murmurs, snuggling.
"Shh," he tells her. "Shh. 'M very convincing..."
He is officially Slightly More Awake.
(But not completely awake.)
He is officially Slightly More Awake.
(But not completely awake.)
It takes a while, but eventually he is Somewhat More Awake.
"Think we should get up now?" he asks, slurring just a little but managing a bit better. "Dun want to..."
"Think we should get up now?" he asks, slurring just a little but managing a bit better. "Dun want to..."
"Ranata is probably awake, but hasn't tiptoed down the hall to see if we are awake enough to receive breakfast, yet. No rush."
"M'kay. Thanks," mumbles the sleepy boyfriend. "Love you."
Then he's out again.
Well. Of all the ways to declare his love for her, that was probably not the one he would have wanted to go with.
Then he's out again.
Well. Of all the ways to declare his love for her, that was probably not the one he would have wanted to go with.
Isabella is not, in fact, entirely sure she heard it. She glances up at Path, who shrugs the wing which isn't in contact with the snoozing Vernaia; he doesn't know either.
She snuggles him. Maybe she'll bring it up later, she's not sure.
She snuggles him. Maybe she'll bring it up later, she's not sure.
After a while, she decides the thing to do is probably to have Path ask Vernaia. This will probably involve the conversation happening while she and Adarin are a fair distance away from their daemons, since New Kystle is apparently not hospitable to same, but that might be a good cushion for the tentative awkwardness of the question.