"Behaving oddly around starclad witches is actually fairly common behavior among mortals who visit. Though blindfolding is not."
"I've never really gotten why it's such a big deal. I mean, sure, in mortal culture, being clothed is the default, because you get cold, and then if someone is being non-default, that has its connotations, but why is it so hard to shuck those connotations when you're dealing with people who have a different default? It seems kind of like someone who's obviously not speaking English must mean whatever it would sound like they're saying if they were."
"Hmmm. Well, personally my defaults are hard to change easily. When we'd first met, when I made dinner and you asked how I'd feel if you went starclad... For me it was a young, beautiful woman that wants to get naked and that is rather hard to ignore even if it's not a big deal for you. To be fair, I did honestly try, but uh - not so good at it."
"Should I warn my mother? Within the confines of Charlie's house, she is not always appropriate for mortal supervision. She's good about it in public places, but would probably forget completely to account for you indoors."
"It will not be as distracting for your mother to be naked as it would have been with you in the earlier example of when you offered. Since you'd kind of caught my eye with the 'I want to make people immortal' bit and I was paying more attention, then. But it might be awkward because she's your mother, at the same time."
"I'll call her again. Oh, and I just told her I was bringing 'someone', because you weren't awake enough to ask, what are your feelings on relationship terminology?"
Dryly, he adds, "I'd even let you say you 'claimed me at dagger point' if you really want."
"Boyfriend it is. I'm not willing to get caught lying to anybody who'd be impressed by a story about me backing you up against a wall and threatening your bodily integrity, but thanks for the option." She chews her lip a little bit, then, adds, "This is unlikely - I don't have a target painted on me, for one thing, and nobody knows who you are here, but if somebody starts acting like she would like to claim you at daggerpoint, first of all, I will back your right to self-defense if you have to resort to magical violence but don't recommend trying to bring a fist to a knife fight against any witch who isn't as clumsy as I am; and second of all, if you'd rather not set her on fire or whatever, you can tell her you're very flattered but you're spoken for, and show her your protective tattoos."
He looks curious, and amused. "I also wasn't aware that having protective tattoos would translate to 'spoken for' - makes sense, considering why they were made, I suppose."
"They don't specify that we're dating. They just serve as evidence for it - they mean that there's a witch who wants you safe. You'd have a set if you were a witch's son, too, maybe even if you were her brother-in-law or friend from school."
The first part he is joking about, but the sentence he would be saying itself is sincere.
Which they are doing. He's still pleased about that.
He should be! Isabella is prepared to make a very strong case that he should be ecstatic about it. Possibly right here in this kitchen.
Well it's her kitchen, if she wants to make a case for something in particular, that one's up to her. If not, well, he can just carry her to somewhere more appropriate for this kind of situation. They could go before the jury of pillow peers, and everything.
(Or inclined to imagine pillows judging her, whether or not they are present.)
(He will carry her. Because he can.)
Least convincing growl. Of all time.
(Meanwhile, their daemons haven't budged since last night. There they are, snuggled up together in the corner.)