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"Wow. You'll put the airlines out of business, you do enough of those!"


"That's the plan. Slowly, so the market has time to adjust."


"Yeah, I don't want to... Completely break the economy. That would be bad."


"Yeah. But there's lots of hurdles to jump over, and you won't have a portal to every major city overnight even once those are handled, and a single portal can handle a lot of volume - maybe even as much as there currently is in plane form going between any two cities - but it can't necessarily handle all the volume that there would be if getting on a plane was as painless as walking through a portal, so there will need to be several before we can drop the price point and accommodate ideal demand, so for a while planes might be able to beat us on price just because we have to reduce customer volume even though our costs per passenger will be less."


"I think I understood maybe a third of that."


As Isabella's talking, Adarin gets the most goofy 'In love' look on his face and just looks at her with a sort of adoration. He has a smart girlfriend. Such a smart, smart girlfriend.

Isabella notices this.

She winks at him.
He grins, still with the goofy look on his face. "You're amazing. Completely and utterly amazing."

Then he realizes he is in front of her parents and coughs.

"Right, anyway. Once that's done, and we've got a good buffer of money, it can be used in a variety of ways rather than being sat on. Useful ways. Not to mention what my plans are for this plane's technology and how to use that to fix the insanity that is my home."

"What is your home like?"

"Oligarchy with idiotic mages in power, recovering from a large scale disaster that wiped out most of our population, has a history of conquest and ignoring people's basic dignities..."

Pause. "I don't like it much. Here's way better."

"Earth has its extremely large historical blemishes, I feel like I should mention this now before you read the Wikipedia article on, say, the Holocaust."


"I'm sure, I wouldn't expect it to be perfect, otherwise I'd have nothing to do, but - you've seen them."


"I have, it's true."


"This place is visitable? Goodness."


"Um. Mom. I cannot recommend tourism there at this time."


"Agreed. I'm sorry, I really am, but... They're..." He shifts a little, uncomfortably. "... I'll just come out and say it. One of them thought it was a good idea to pick up Vern and hold her. For hours. I do not want that to happen to you."


Isabella squeezes Adarin's arm.


Kesathi, from her place beside Charlie's chair, whines and burrows her head into her person's lap.

Castarilan abandons his orbit of Adarin's head and rockets into Ranata's hair, where he clings, shivering.

"Goddesses all you poor things - why - why would that even register as something to do -"
Vern snuggles Path, shivering a little.

Adarin leans towards Isabella, snuggling a bit. Quietly, Adarin says, "She... Basically jumped to conclusions and decided that if she touched Vern, then I would fall in love with her, or - something. Isabella got her off of Vern, thankfully. That was what made me just... Decide to stop living there, to stop trying to work with those people. I'm just going to circumvent them, now."

"How would anyone think that? That doesn't make sense."


"In his world they don't have daemons. Vernaia only appeared when he came here. They don't get it. I kind of explained badly; I mentioned exceptions and she got it backwards."


"I think to get it they would have to have daemons to get it. But it was still - even in getting it backwards, even if she got it wrong, there was nothing in the action that was redeemable. Nothing."


Isabella nods.


"I'm so sorry that happened to you."

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