"What is even implicated in that rule besides the shyness? What should I be expecting here?"
"Presents," he says brightly. "I've thought of two already. One I'm pretty sure you've guessed already, but the other I think you'll definitely like. Also, opening doors for you, not being a jerk, the obvious things."
"Some people would say it's not very feminist to be opening doors for her just because she's a 'lady', you know."
He looks very amused. "I have some very, very good reasons to treat all of the women in my life exceptionally nicely."
"When you learned the word 'feminism' what did you learn it meant?" Isabella inquires of Adarin.
"That... It was about women equaling men in power?" he says, confused. "Did I get an incorrect translation? Or am I missing something?"
"Missing a large political movement. I don't know that much about it because it was primarily a mortals thing, but yeah. There's some subtleties."
"Okay, I'm stumped - what places don't have so much as an inkling of feminism as a political movement?"
He smiles at Ranata. "I thought you said no hints?"
"I could just have not been exposed to it, with my family," he says, amused. "As far as I know, none of them were members. Or my education was lacking, either one."
"...You will want to read Wikipedia on this one. It's not so much a thing with a formal membership. At least not in recent years."
"No, I think I give up, just tell me. Unless you're certain I'm about to get it any second now."