Marian spends her morning fielding requests from a dozen students who trickle in to ask for things - drugs, mostly, word is spreading around about her void-wrangling powers. One junior comes in with a nasty burn, which she cleans and slathers in antibiotic ointment and bandages, sending him off with instructions to come back every day so she can redo it and check for infection. Some poor kid slipped in the bathroom - or "slipped", at least, Marian suspects some foul play but doesn't press - and has a split lip and both from teeth loose. Marian is not a dentist and is very unsure what to do about this but the void, after enough flattery, decides that Resource 2.0 (also known as "the nasty hospital-grade variant of Ensure") counts as therapeutic for a kid who can't chew for the next week. 

...And then, eventually, she has to stop procrastinating and deal with the pile of stuff that she's shoved into a corner and tried very hard to ignore. She's not ready to think about Sophie again, yet, but she can't just store the indie girl's stuff in here forever.

Most of it is - for Shannon, she thinks? She'll want to double check with Wen Qing that she's remembering that deathbed conversation right, and probably also check with New York to make sure this doesn't touch on their weird insane high-stakes school politics, but otherwise that seems straightforward. 

The clothes are...well, not for Xue Yang, apparently! (A closer look confirms that they do not look like they would fit him, anyway.) They....must be for Masozi? 

So at lunch, she folds up the beautiful hand-tailored school uniform into a neat bundle, and goes looking for Shanghai.