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Lacey has a questionably bad time
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No, she needs those broken ribs, she's not going to poke at healing for a while. She tries heat, and cold. She pokes at conjuration and makes a mental note that that's probably best saved for when she's learned enough Ansati to make progress on the books. Can she get colored light? Shaped?


If she focuses, the feeling of the magic for light resolves into greater detail, and she can tell how to change it so that the light comes out differently. Actually holding the necessary changes in her mind is a little harder, especially since it's all fluid and dynamic rather than solid and static like normal magic.


Okay, she'll work on light manipulation for a while. Color, then seeing if she can emit a continuous stream instead of just a flash.


A continuous stream is fairly easy as long as she can maintain the concentration to hold the magic without slipping. Colour is tricky but gets easier with practice.


And after she's basically got the hang of the continuous stream thing and can do the color she wants more than half the time she'll probably want to try something else before she gets critically bored of light.

Can she cut herself?


Surprisingly tricky! She can if she works at it, though. And if she doesn't mind the risk of slipping.


She will cope with the risk of slipping.


Then she can totally cut herself.


Definitely good to have for future reference.


"You're delightful," says Serik.


"I know."

...And, oh, hey, she should probably eat something. It has. Been a while since the last time she ate. "...A delight who should probably eat something."


He giggles, and kisses her, and conjures food.


She kisses him and eats conjured food.

"Conjuring is going to be tricky, Might have to wait until I know enough Ansati to read the books."


"Yeah. I haven't conjured directly in centuries; I built a spell for it. Took me six months, and it only works when I'm on the mountain, but it was worth it."


"The only working on the mountain part seems...inconvenient, in theory if not so much practically speaking."


"Someday when I feel like it I'll spend another six months building a better version."


"That's fair. Does the time spent working on these things have to be consecutive?"


He shrugs. "Not necessarily, but if I work on something for a while and then don't touch it for years, I usually have to start over. Iri doesn't have that problem."


"That's good. I wouldn't be thrilled with a setup that needed maintenance not to kill me and a bunch of other people even if it were fueled that probably means lots of permanent spells in the long run. ...You can do permanent spells with pain magic that don't need feeding, right?"


"Yeah, but you have to watch them or they'll go wild eventually."


"What does watching them consist of?"


"Pay attention when you use them, don't leave them sitting untouched for years, so you can tell when they start to get messed up and either fix them or take them apart before they do any damage."



On a scale of fire to conjuration, how hard's wind-riding?"


"Hmm... it's hard in a different way from conjuration. Conjuration is very very fiddly all at once. Wind-riding is less fiddly but the fiddliness lasts as long as you're in the wind, until you build a permanent spell for it, and I think you'll have to read the books before you can build a permanent spell."


"Ah well. I think I've been making reasonable progress at Ansati, at least."

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