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Lacey has a questionably bad time
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"Ah," she says, pausing the kissing for the moment, "I hate to put any kind of brakes on this, but maybe it would be better to have the healing water a little closer to hand, just in case of accidents."


The bottle appears in his hand.

"Anywhere we could put it down would be far enough away that it's faster to summon it," he says with a shrug.


"Gotcha." Back to the kissing, then.


Mmm, kisses.

The bottle vanishes from his hand, and a small sharp knife appears there instead, and he trails the point down her back without breaking skin.


She breaks away, briefly, back arching in pleased surprise, before returning to the so very important task of kisses.


He smiles.

The next time, he leaves a shallow cut, barely enough to bleed. He's very good at controlling the pressure even while she moves - the depth of the cut isn't perfectly even, but it's close.


This will result in less surprised but more pleased.


It's so nice when she's pleased.

He cuts her again, higher on her back. And again, crossing the first two. And brings the knife around front and slashes across her stomach, then up and across her collarbone, then playfully holds the knife to her throat for a moment, just because he can.


Her knees buckle for a moment before she catches herself.


He makes the knife disappear so he has both hands free, and tangles his fingers in her hair and wraps his other arm around her waist and pulls her close and kisses her.


Kisses. Kisses are so good. Kisses and blood and pain.


Yes. These are all good things.

She is definitely bleeding, but it's not quite to the level of there being a pool of blood yet. So he cuts her some more, not bothering to bring the knife back this time, just drawing lines of pain along her skin with magic.

And when there's blood running down almost every part of her that's not her face, when she's drenched in red, then he picks her up and puts her on the floor and grants her wish.



She is so glad she had this idea.



Afterward, he kisses her and sits up and pulls her into his lap and hands her a bottle of healing water.


And she has lost enough blood that she probably should in fact drink sooner rather than later. So she does that.


The floor of the ballroom is a very aesthetic place to have sex in a pool of blood but it is not a very comfortable place to cuddle afterward. He makes all the blood vanish and carries her on the wind to the bed in the glorious guest suite. There, that's much better.


"You are really, really good at this."


"And you're just fucking lovely." Snuggle. "If somebody had invented you specifically to make me happy - well, they'd have made you like to be choked, but I can't think of anything else they'd have done differently."


"Yeah, for some reason that one just triggers my survival instincts."


"I'm not about to complain."


"Good." Snuggle.


Snuggle! So cozy.


Plausibly it would be even cozier with more fabric--like clothing, for example--involved, but enh.

"So, we never did actually get around to practicing my Ansati."


He laughs. "I forgot all about that," he admits.


"Well, I'm not complaining about what we did instead."

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