It's been a long, exhausting day, but also probably the best day of Masozi's entire life. He's filled half a notebook with Mandarin characters and notes on them, he's learned about GEOMETRY, and Wei Wuxian is teaching him some sort of complete phonetic alphabet which is incredibly cool. He's even learned a few new spells, and he hasn't come under attack by mals even once. 

He stays glued to Wei Wuxian after classes, except for a brief detour to go to the bathroom to get more water for his room - and nab some more mal grubs for his growing collection while he's at it - and then joins the Shanghai enclave at dinner. He of course mostly doesn't understand the Mandarin conversation, but he's starting to do much better at picking apart the syllables and even recognizing some words, and it's wonderful just being around people who want to help him