Bella accepts her table from Suze as usual; Suze tells her how to find the Atlanta reading room New Orleans has a corner of, so Bella can join her there in the library later. Bella has chicken and hummus and half a baguette and a tongsful of salad and assembles them into a weird hoagie, saving her square of deflated-looking chocolate cake for afters, and awaits The Group.
"Well, you're not wrong about that! There's a New York freshman who is planning to start up some group therapy with the school nurse, that's more of a guidance counselor than we've had before."
That is the worst idea she has ever heard. The school nurse is going to be dead inside of a week.
" - No I think they're serious actually? It's a good idea, if people have a - healthy outlet, to process things."
"It seems to me that telling a New York enclaver about my feelings would only be a healthy outlet to process things if I were convenient enough to only need to process my deep admiration for New York and my anticipatory survivors guilt about how impressive I am and how suitable for an alliance."
"... They're not that bad. They helped with the whole - nevermind. That's not actually important. Are you guys settling in alright? Is there anything you need?"
"Alright, I'll ask around and see if anyone's got some going spare."
Does that. Does that work. That has to be a joke at her joke and if she was telling a joke that's probably fine? It was sort of a joke??
"I haven't been doing it long but the seniors just graduated, so I bet there's some lying around. Anyways, I've got a lot of tables to visit before the bell, it was nice meeting you all!"
And he gets up and moves over to the next table of confused freshmen.
" know, it's not surprising after three years some people go a bit off."
"I am beginning to think I was seriously misled about what school would be like."
"I think I was maybe just insufficiently led. Or something. ....does anyone know what happens if he actually gets some?"