Marian's honestly going a lot better than it could be going? 

Well. Obviously it's also going a lot worse than what her 24-hours-ago self would have expected. Since almost exactly 24 hours ago, she was pulling a boring night shift in the Montfort ICU, and since then she's been struggling to adjust to now being trapped in a magic death school with a bunch of tragically doomed teenagers for the rest of her (probably very short) natural lifespan. 


Someone brought her BREAKFAST and she's already helped several kids with genuinely important medical problems, and she's also acquired a - student? Apprentice? Marian's not sure exactly what Wen Qing's status is or should be, but she's delighted about it anyway. And she's going to do her very best with this disaster, and whenever it gets too overwhelming she will just go back to pretending it's a dream (or a self-indulgent medical drama fanfiction that she's writing under a pseudonym on the Internet), and then she will KEEP GOING. 


(- this is harder than she keeps wanting to pretend it is, and there are definitely some secret crying breaks in her tiny shitty dorm room, but no one has to know about that.) 


By lunchtime on the first day of classes, Marian has thoroughly inventoried and organized all of her supplies, including emptying all the drawers from the stupid metal filing cabinet, since hereabouts that just seems like a place for evil magic death monsters to hide and jump out to bite her. She's still poking everything with her enchanted knife before touching it; this has become pretty automatic by now. She's also read through the UCSF guide on trans gender affirmative care, and a few scientific papers that the void gave her on congenital bone disorders. 

She has a notebook file with names and notes on all the students she's talked to so far, and her second notebook has a tentative Curriculum Plan For Nursing Apprenticeship. Though "Day 1" is currently two blank pages to allow for noting down all the topics Wen Qing might have noticed in Gray's Anatomy and be interested in learning more about. 

She's also ravenously hungry, and really hopes that Wen Qing will maybe think to bring her a lunch tray when she arrives for her infirmary shift.