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Yvette in Swansong
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"Yes, I believe we did."


Oh dear he's looking at her like that again, that makes having a sensible conversation so much more difficult.

"I um," she begins, and then she needs to start over because words are hard, okay, "So - I'm - pretty sure we need to figure out some way to head off other - potential - accidents, I'm just, not quite sure which potential solutions work for you?"


"I... am finding it surprisingly difficult to think clearly about. But. I think the thing to do is... be more deliberate. Do things on purpose instead of waiting until we get carried away."


"Agreed." Shy smile. "That then makes the question 'what things do we want to deliberately do on purpose?'"


"Well. Do you have any suggestions?"


"That's not fair," she declares, "I purposefully worded the question so you'd have to answer first, you can't turn it back around on me like that."


"I have my reasons," he says, half-smiling. "I think drawing up schedules in advance plays much more to your strengths than mine. I'd rather let you say what you want and then slow down from there if I think it's necessary than the other way around, because you're the one whose comfort and safety are most directly at stake here. And—"


"—I do very much want to hear you suggest things."


And there he goes, looking at her like that again. She squirms, a little.

His reasons are sound, though, even if he's also clearly getting something else out of this.

"Right. Okay." There are a number of chairs, she decides that she'd like to have this conversation sitting down, and accordingly goes to sit on a comfy looking couch, gently pulling him after her by the hand. "Fair enough, I suppose. I - I'm probably going to really suck at talking about any of this, though, since my experience here is, um. None. It is none. Yay me."


Sitting on the comfy couch seems like a fine plan. He sits next to her and holds her hand.

"That's all right," he says. "We have plenty of time."


She nods. "We do," she agrees. Deep breath. C'mon, it's just a conversation, you can do this.

".... Okay so, I suppose the first question that comes to mind is - um - I assume you can just magic away the chance of pregnancy, that's an important question to know the answer to up front."


"Yes. I won't have children until I deliberately decide to."


"Good." She sucks in a breath and inspects their entwined hands. "Then in that case I believe I'd like you to fuck me. ... Gently, please." Aaaaaand there's the blush again.



"I was right about how much I'd like hearing that," he murmurs, squeezing her hand. "And I think I can do that without letting things get out of hand, if I'm careful. I trust myself to be careful enough. Do you want me to take you to your room right now? Or would you rather wait, or go somewhere else?"


"Um." Nervous giggle. "Give me a bit, I'm. Um. You're fine with, slowly introducing me to everything, right...?"


"Yes, of course," he says, squeezing her hand again.


"Okay, good." ... She scoots closer to cuddle. "I'll be up for going to my room in a bit, I just kind of want to take a little while to cuddle and stop being so. Nervous and jittery."


He nods, and hugs her, and kisses her forehead. "Take your time."


"I - definitely also have thoughts on everything else but I think for now I want to not deal with the everything else and just. Make it very simple?"


"That's very reasonable of you."


"I do that," she says, lightly. "Or so I've heard."


"It's a very endearing quality." He kisses her forehead again.


Giggle. Nuzzle.

"Thank you. For the compliment and for being so - you're so understanding and patient." Pause. "... Sort of patient. Patient where it counts."


He chuckles.

"I want you to be safe and happy," he says. "It's important to me that you be safe and happy."


"You're sweet," she declares, smiling.

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