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Ellie in Worm
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She can't deathtouch through her shades. Genesis's power doesn't obviously seem like it would create an exception.

Every power she collects only makes her more capable of spectacle.


The Keres doesn't look anything like Sundancer, of course. Bonesaw could give her cosmetic surgeries until she fits perfectly into a spare costume, which is an extreme step to take but technically an option. (Someone like Accord would probably see through it in short order anyway, but not instantly. And the Othello says he wouldn't come in person.)


But Sundancer wouldn't go alone. And if she has a shade out to fill a spot, it'll be obvious that she's an imposter.


Jack can be Trickster. He's got no serious objection to being shorter and worse looking for a good cause. (Not that they know what Trickster looked like under the mask, he jokes, but they don't need to.) If the Keres can't use a shade, that just means they can't have her be Genesis as well as Sundancer. Fortunately, they have infinite Geneses.


Most of whom would rather kill Ellie than work with her. But Jack has shown himself to be a skilled negotiator.


This one's harder than most clones because everyone she especially wants dead is already dead. But she doesn't begrudge Ellie wanting to kill her; she wants to kill everyone. Most everyone, at least. And this is a good way to strike against every faction especially Accord. She walks out the door with some of Genesis' civilian clothes and is perfectly willing to work remotely.


Then all they need is a bit of surgery and confirmation on the time and place.


A lot of surgery, but that's trivial.

The scheduling doesn't take long. It's an emergency.

Accord doesn't come. He's sending Citrine instead, his top Ambassador and also the trump Ellie wanted. He of course has a plan for dealing with the Nine, but Othello doesn't know what's in it. It probably requires a lot of cooperation, so Cherish loiters within range making sure everyone dislikes each other more than usual.

Even to a truce like this, sending a single representative is an expression of confidence. The Teeth don't do that. Butcher is there, flanked by Spree and Animos, the self-duplicator and the changer with the power-nullifying scream. The obvious two for backup in case the meeting goes wrong.

Blasto has his own seat at the table. The person in it, with some of his half-tree-half-bear creations standing in the background, isn't the original Blasto. 

The heroes don't have much of a presence in Boston because of low crime. (Accord always takes credit for this.) Praetor, the leader of the local team, has hard-light powers that come with too much of a delay to be really high-level. Dynamo would be more useful to Ellie; she stores up kinetic energy whenever she's moving. Next to them is a masked figure in a Protectorate temporary costume. No one recognizes her except Ellie, who can cheat. Her shade is the same as the escaped Burnscar clone.


Citrine and Animos are likely to be the biggest problems, she should prioritize them. Then Spree, Dynamo, and Praetor. Butcher... She doesn't want to try killing Butcher. Not without significant precog support for the idea.

If they have the Burnscar, the Protectorate knows that the real Travellers are dead. As long as they haven't told the other factions, they'll have to explain themselves before attacking. Might be possible to try to spin that so it looks like the Protectorate is just grabbing an excuse to eliminate a gang.


It might!

As soon as the Travelers arrive, Praetor shouts. "EVERYONE, YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! Impostors—" he points them out. Fortunately it would be in character for Trickster to object, so Jack does, and suddenly there's shouting and even powers pointed at both factions. Animos is transformed but vacillating between targets; Citrine looks unreservedly certain that Praetor is telling the truth.


Maybe this fear and chaos thing is a little fun after all.

The Genesis is big enough that she can manifest a shade behind it and not have that be instantly noticed, at least. Get Trickster's, swap Jack for Citrine, kill her. If they're going to start something. She looks to Jack for a cue.


He's mostly just enjoying the fear and chaos thing. While being certain not to give any cues that Trickster is enjoying the fear and chaos thing.

He surreptitiously slices a piece off the end of Trickster's inexplicable suit coat and whispers swap her mask.


Whose, Citrine's? That'd be almost pointl- ah. The Burnscar's. That is a good idea.

Shade out, scrap cloth for mask, shade away. Hardly a flicker.



The non-mask falls down, and now the undecideds are menacing the Protectorate. That's the Teeth and enough of an excuse for Blasto. The heroes try to explain, but if there's a way of producing evil twins the Burnscar is probably evil, and if it's in the hands of the Nine why would they make one who's against them... Introducing her as "Phoenix" does little to defuse the situation.

No one has started shooting yet but that's kind of a low bar for an alliance.




But a simple not-alliance isn't the only goal here, she also wants to kill some people...


Everything goes silent. Citrine's voice rings out, "The Travelers have a sixth member. Clones she makes want their originals dead, followed by their friends and family and then as much destruction as they can manage. Phoenix probably didn't tell the Protectorate the last part." 


Blasto plays his part well. "I seem to recall something about a rule. Using powers violates the truce, anyone else remember that?" "So we kick her out," Jack says, "and then get on with this."

"Of course he wants me gone." Citrine. "He's a clone of the real Trickster."

"I assure you I'm not a clone. And, a secret teammate with an incredibly convenient power? Really?"

"He's not," the Burnscar clone says. "Trickster's dead and Noelle's power only works on live people."


Jack is having far too much fun to stop, but there's at least one person at the table that Ellie could frame for shooting first.


She considers her options for a brief moment.

Then appears one of her own copies of Burnscar in the same hidden spot and causes a wreath of flame to spring up around Phoenix, which spits out a fireball aimed at "Trickster". She quickly steps between and absorbs the blast with her body, harmlessly.


Things're already tense. That sparks it. The Teeth fire on the Protectorate delegation while Blasto shouts to his creations. Citrine does...something...and looks surprised when Jack starts bleeding from suddenly appearing cuts instead of teleporting uncontrollably. Once Spree uses his power it's instant chaos; that power is good for precisely one tactic, which is rushing the enemy.

Jack hasn't bothered to attack yet, but Genesis is using wide-angle breath attacks that can just happen to hit Citrine as well as the heroes.


Ellie brings out Trickster's shade and swaps people so that Citrine is being more definitively hit by the breath, and adds Sundancer's fire orb to the midst of those happenings.


That's three new shades, one of them a trump. The Burnscar clone was immune to heat, of course, and teleporting out while the getting was good.

The Teeth try to object that lethal force was a bit extreme, but by now the Teeth are outnumbered.


And the only trick is going to be getting Animos and Spree without tagging Butcher. Most of her powers are a little too unfocused.


Butcher is also tougher; if she wanted to go for it they'd probably die in the right order, but that's a bit of a risk. The main advantage is they aren't expecting another attack. Jack is saying something or other in character as Trickster. They aren't believing him at face value but it means she has time to strategize.


What's the range of capability on her new trump?


It targets an area and alters some characteristic. Friction, gravity, even time. The trump aspect is because if she finds the right wavelength, so to speak, she can make a specific power stronger or weaker, or even uncontrolled.


Are the Teeth stacked tightly enough that she can get them all at once?

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