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Jing Yi meets Cascadia!Lev
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"Never has someone suffered as greatly as I suffer. Deprived of my Gilead sex volcano."




"Oh, that's true."


They have known each other for all of three weeks and have somehow managed to have conversations where one person doesn't even say words. It's impressive.

"I just think the thrill of the chase is an important step!"


"Fuck the thrill of the chase, what about the thrill of getting rawed."


"In a week, then! When I am drowning slightly less under the weight of learning physics from the ground up."


"You don't have to. Consent is important. I'm just teasing. I just remembered that Gileadites might be confused about that because of the whole thing where your body belongs to your spouse which, kinky, I love it, but not a good approach outside of a scene."


"Oh, I'm up for it, I just only have an afternoon free right now and not a whole evening."


With these matters concluded Aang will tell more stories about Hope and his best friend who is named Jingyi ("just like you! But it's all one word").


Hope sounds very adorable. He would definitely ruffle their hair if they ended up in the same room.

"Oh, that's going to end up confusing if we're ever in the same place."


"That's why Aang is a good name. There is only ever one Aang."


"I mean, even if it wasn't, I feel like 'rainbow Aang' would still be pretty distinguishing."


"I'm rainbow Aang! Sweetiepie, did you hear that? I'm rainbow Aang! That's so cool."




"I think once you've gone to that amount of effort to be rainbow, you deserve it as a moniker."


"I think I'm going to head out now! I need to throw paper balls at John while he does his homework."


"Don't let the balls distract you too much!"

And with that, he also heads off.

After making reasonable progress with this own homework (and also cursing the name of Isaac Newton) he turns to his next most important research task. He needs a backstory. He needs a backstory. It needs to be consistent with what he's already said, it needs to be Very Gileadite, and it needs to explain how he is has obviously had a dick in his mouth before. Oh, and it needs to fool John. It probably wouldn't be too hard to pull the wool over Aang's eyes, but John has actually lived in Gilead. And to do that, he needs to know more about sex in Gilead other than 'everyone is Very Repressed.'

This seems like something Google would hopefully know.


Google produces several contradictory websites with strong opinions about what kinds of sex Gileadites should be having.

The general consensus is that you shouldn't have sex until your (monogamous, heterosexual) marriage and then shouldn't get divorced afterward; that you shouldn't use pornography; that women should dress modestly (it doesn't seem to occur to anyone that someone might be visually attracted to men); and that husbands and wives should have sex with each other regularly. 

Subjects of debate include:

-We know it's okay to masturbate to collect sperm for artificial insemination. Is it okay to masturbate any other times? What if you and your spouse are in different states, or your spouse is too sick to have sex? What if it's treatment for sexual dysfunction? What if you fantasize about your spouse? About your future spouse? What if you don't fantasize and just concentrate on how nice it feels? What if you don't fantasize and concentrate on thanking God for the gift of sex?

-Are romance novels and romantic movies technically pornography for women because women aren't attracted to men visually and are instead interested in men's personalities and romantic devotion?

-What exactly is immodest dress? Positions range from "if you cover from the neck to the knees you're fine" to "wearing a V-neck sweater is a sin because it will make men think about the possibility that you could be wearing it without a shirt."

-If you fall in love with someone before you get married, is this permanently giving away a piece of your heart and thus robbing your spouse of something that they have a right to expect?

-Given that of course people are supposed to not lust at all, how much not-lusting can be reasonably expected? Should men 'guard their eyes' by making sure not to look at women's bodies or have extended conversations with attractive women or read informative books about sex? 

-How much should people know about sex before engagement? Positions range from "a comprehensive accurate sex education" to "nothing except that sex is a good thing which God intended for marriage and they definitely shouldn't have it before, any more specifics like 'what exactly is sex' will just encourage hanky-panky."

-How far should people go before the wedding day? Positions range from "no kissing until marriage" to "no touching genitals until marriage".

-How should people form relationships? Some people seem to go on dates with people they like, fall in love with them, and get married. Others seem to think that if you find someone you like, you should pray to find out if God wants you to marry them, and if so the man should ask permission from the woman's parents and then they should discern whether they want to get married in a committed fashion. 

-What exactly is cheating? If a woman flirts with someone or falls in love with someone else or has a male friend, is this cheating? If a man thinks another woman is sexually attractive or fantasizes about sex with her, is this cheating? 

-Is it okay to refuse your partner sex? One side holds that if a woman's husband wants sex she should say 'yes' as long as there's no medical reason to refuse, because she has to understand that sex is the only way that men feel loved, and you're just setting him up to lust and/or cheat on you. Another side holds that husbands should be understanding of women not being in the mood, and try to get them in the mood through romance and reducing their stress. (It doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that women could want sex more than men.)

-What kinds of sex are allowable in marriage? Everyone is in favor of PIV and manual sex, but there is great debate about oral sex, anal sex, stripping, lingerie, sex toys, roleplaying, and BDSM. One position holds that if a man thought of these ideas it's probably because he's watched too much porn and objectifies women, because they wouldn't think of it any other way; one position holds that anything is okay as long as both people involved think it's okay; one position holds that God invented these sex acts and it's a sin to refuse any such act your husband wants. (It doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that women might want these sex acts too.)  

-If pregnancy would be risky to the health of the mother, is it a sin to refrain from sex? What if you just have kinds of sex that can't lead to babies? 

-If a woman is fat and/or has short hair and/or doesn't wear nice clothes and makeup, is it kind of her fault if her husband cheats on her because she let herself go? Alternately, is this a sin?

Also, a small yet fervent group of people think that male headship means that a man should be allowed to pull his wife over his knee when she misbehaves and spank her, and then they have sex afterward because of the amount that proper relationship roles arouse everyone involved. Everyone else seems to think this is degrading, misogynistic bullpucky. (Gileadites don't swear.)



Points for variety, and some of the variety is less bizarre-to-horrifying than the rest, but... Gilead. You can't worry about clothes that might in theory make people consider the existance of nakedness, that is just banning clothes in full generality.

Also good to know that the only way he can feel loved is through sex! This has no horrifying implications about friendly and familial relationships! And that if he falls in love or ever looks at a woman, he is giving his heart away! Gilead, why?

Also why is God so involved in everyone's sex lives. Isn't he a bit too busy to be dealing with that. (Where is he getting the time to invent all these sex acts.)

At least the majority of people don't agree with the spanking thing? That's... something. backstory wise, he can probably get somewhere with 'affianced, neither of us were good at instructions and were very, very technical about what sex was' which... it spectacularly untrue and weird to claim Leng Yue did that, but here we are! --except for a fact that there is a good chance(? probably?) there is going to be a penis involved and he needs an explanation.

So while in theory, Gileadites frown on any sex that is not between a man and woman ostensibly for making babies, in practice surely some men are fucking men? Surely? What does google think of that. Can he claim he tripped and fell onto a penis with no knowledge of how flirting goes.They just locked eyes and were so overcome with passion...


Well, this website is titled "Gileadite Gay Boyz."


Aha, a relevant search result. Click.


The website would like him to know about its sister websites, Mormon Gay Boyz and Catholic Gay Boyz.

There are kind of a lot of videos. It is perfectly obvious from the thumbnails what these are videos of. 

The sidebar informs him that he can look at various categories, such as Virginity Loss, Rape, Romantic, Tricked, Daddy Kink, Fantasy, BDSM, Feminization, and Cascadian Immigrant.


Head, meet desk. What a lovely acquaintance you two are making.

Of course the Cascadians would use video technology for their porn, that is exactly what they would do (and is arguably a good use of video technology. Maybe not as good as the explosions.)

He is maybe a bit tired and sleep deprived and having bad ideas. Like trying to reconstruct a culture's attitude to sex via pornography. (...made by a different culture, no less.) Would it technically be possible? Maybe. Would it be efficient? No. Does he particularly want to comb through Google again? Not really! (And is he a bit curious about what the Cascadians are using video technology for? ...yes.)

He swirls the cursor around to pick a category at random, and lands on 'Feminisation.' It probably won't be as... useful... as 'Virginity Loss' or 'Cascadian Immigrant,' but whatever.


The protagonist of this video is informed that he's a total failure as a Gileadite man and therefore his wife is going to force him to be a woman. He's dressed up in women's clothes and makeup and then she fucks in the ass with a strapon while calling him a good girl who's going to be so much happier as a woman than he'd ever be as a man. He starts out begging for her to stop but she just tells him that if the protagonist didn't like it her little cock wouldn't be so hard. Then the protagonist's wife says that she's invited over six real men to give him an initiation to womanhood and he gets gangbanged. The video ends with the protagonist smiling, covered in come, with smeared eyeliner and lipstick, wearing a pretty little skirt and top, saying that his wife was right and he is so much happier being a girl.  

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