This has been a bogus time to surface so much. Everyone else in The Underground is jonesing for a way out of the mess they're in, and that means it's her job to take them somewhere better. So she does. This place doesn't come with a giant sky eye deleting anything it doesn't like the look of. Rad! Good enough for her.
"Quite right. So w-w-we, well it's difficult, y'see. Don't know what to do if we're all here. Most of us hate fronting, but now we're n-n-not up front! And oh, there goes m-m-my stutter again. It's only there when I'm up front, but I spoke to you lot t-t-today without it! Do you s-st-still have your trowel?"
"Do any of you swim, here? If this isn't a world and it's your Cave instead maybe Clair will be able to swim."
"Oh, d-d-dear. There is one place I know. It's such a long way away from here, but I can take you there."
Nod nod nod.
Penny wrings her hands as the subway car rides along, humming to herself.
"Oh...yes. Th-th-they need their space, you know. The oldest ones. Stay deep, they do. The ones from d-d-daddy and the ones from the church and all that nonsense. But I'll take you to the nice water. Won't that be nice. That's the trick. The places here are made from our memories, you know. Except this, the subway itself. That's all our imagination."
"Oh, yes. Nice memories, captured forever down here for when we need them. We might have forever, did you know? I'm sorry, I've been terribly rude. My name is Penny, and yours?"
"-sorry. I wasn't gone too long, was I? Jane again, hopefully here to stay until we find one of the others down here."
"Not always. I remember more than the others do- I know you were talking about The Underground, and about the places you can visit, here. I don't know as much about that as some of the others. I don't spend much time down here. I know who we should talk to, though. Driver 8 knows how to go anywhere."
"Since we don't know what we need to do exactly for the quest we thought we could go somewhere with water and Clair could swim."
"Sure, we can start there. I still don't know how we're- here, but going deeper makes sense. That's what the trowel is for, right?"
She stands, but there's not much need to try to solve this puzzle. They're coming to a stop again. Which means...
"We can wait. Driver 8 will be here in just a sec."
The driver of the car joins them shortly, after they've come to a complete stop.
She nods at Emmy.
"Welcome to the Underground. You want a memory with water?"
"Trip down memory lane, coming right up. Buckle in."
And she heads back up to drive them to their destination.