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velgarth reacts to the snap
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Actually he was looking for Leareth, but now he's thoroughly distracted - and relieved, and delighted and giddy with it. 

:'Fandes! 'Fandes, I'm here - he sent me back - it's all right -: 


She reaches him at a gallop and nearly knocks him flying. 


After an endless few seconds of nuzzling at his hair - 

:- Who sent you back?: 


:The local death god? Uh, I don't actually remember his name, just that he was mad when I thought he was the Shadow-Lover: 



Yfandes noses at Vanyel's shoulder some more, blowing softly into his hair. 

:- Never mind. Let's go talk to Leareth: 


Leareth is still with Fëanor and the others. Some time has passed, but from his perspective, not very much time. He isn't sure exactly what's happening - 

The burst of Valar magic outside catches his attention, though. 

:- I sensed something, magic, it might be Mandos sending them back -?: He really hopes it's not an attack. 


Fëanor reaches out with his mind, checks the house's wards, sees if anything's changed.

"There are now at least four people on the grounds who haven't been here before," he tells Leareth. Wait, five, one's an infant. He thinks Calanáro and the Valdemaran healer are with them, though he doesn't know either of them well enough to be sure. "Mandos sending people back seems like the likeliest explanation, although he normally makes them come from the Halls on foot."

Calanáro? Who's with you?


Fëanáro? Mandos sent me back, and a few others who died in the Snap—my wife and small child, and a few Valdemarans I hadn't seen before. The Valdemaran healer was also in Lórien for some reason, but I don't think she was ever dead.


We asked Mandos for one Valdemaran. I'm not sure about the others.

Did you find out what happened—why you died—?


Apparently we're metaphysically incapable of time travel. Elë says it will work fine with Men, although I expect we'll have trouble finding test subjects at this point.


That's what I was afraid of. Anyway, we're still in the lab but we aren't really doing anything at the moment, meet us in the main hall.

He tells Tony and Leareth to follow him out of the lab.


Calanáro leads the other party into the house where they meet Fëanor, Tony, and Leareth.


Yfandes is hanging back, because she's suddenly so confused. 


:- Sondra? Is that you - what -: 


Sondra has mostly figured out the whole having two legs thing at this point! 

She keeps being really not sure what to do with her hands, though. They're just...there? Even when she's not using them for anything? Where are they supposed to go

:Yfandes! I - right, it's so weird - I think their death god just couldn't do our usual bodies?: 


There is a somewhat awkward tangle-up where Sondra tries to hug Yfandes and Yfandes tries to nuzzle up to her the way she would to another Companion. 


Sondra leans her head on Yfandes' flank for a moment. It keeps being very frustrating, how she can either do things with her current body by deliberately concentrating hard, or by not thinking about it at all, but nothing in between. 

:- All right. There's work to be done. We can catch up properly later: 


Yfandes doesn't fit inside the house, so she paces outside, in mind-rapport with Vanyel and watching the scene through his eyes. 


"- Herald Vanyel." 





"....Are you, er, all right?" 

Vanyel is mentally kicking himself half a second later, that's such an absurd question to be asking given the circumstances. 


It's also one that Leareth has no idea how to answer! He's not sure what 'all right' even means as a concept, anymore. 



"I am - glad to see you," he says stiffly, after a long pause. 


"I'm glad to see you too." 

Leareth...doesn't seem entirely okay, Vanyel thinks. It's hard to tell because he never has much in the way of facial expressions. 


After another long pause, Leareth nods briskly. "Well. We have work to do." 

He switches to Mindspeech. :Fëanor? What is our plan now?: 


Randi grips Shavri's hand and watches this exchange with...some confusion, which he tries to hide. It feels like he's missing a lot of subtext here. 


I've been told that time travel ought to work fine for non-Elves, he answers Leareth. We should probably attempt that, although we may want to leave Valinor immediately now that the work that was necessary to do here is done. Give me a moment to get acquainted with the new arrivals.

"My name is Curufinwë Fëanáro," he says aloud, in perfect Valdemaran, broadcasting his thoughts as well for the two Earth humans' benefit. "Rightful king of the Noldor, though I haven't pressed it in a while. We're working on time travel as a means toward undoing the recent murder of half the universe's population. We have solved the—technical aspects—of the problem, but have discovered that my species, specifically, experiences fatal side effects from the process. We have strong reason to believe, though have not tested, that humans should be able to travel unharmed. The next step in the plan, assuming there is a willing volunteer, it to repeat our recent experiment with a human test subject.

"However, there is another critical concern. There is a magical effect on this planet such that subjective time passes 9.582 times more slowly here than on other worlds. I think that those directly involved in our efforts should return to Earth at once, to avoid any more of this effect. Those not directly involved are welcome to remain here; being in Valinor has a number of excellent physical and mental health benefits, and while it is not technically allowed for mortals to be here at all I think the Valar have other concerns at the moment."

Then, to Vanyel directly—"Herald Vanyel?" (He's heard the word "herald" in Valdemaran, and gathered that it's some sort of title, but has no real idea what it means. Some sort of political leader?) "I have heard something of you from Leareth, but I confess I do not know exactly who you are or what your role is in Valdemar."

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