sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"This is a really nepotistic operation you have going."


"Well, obviously we can't teach most wizards summoning so Timothy'd have just told people he can definitely trust."


"Why can't you?" wonders Amriac.


"There're, like, mind-control spells. I bet lots of people would find that more convenient than making deals. There're also, like, love potions, that'd sort of enable deals..."


"Huh. Do those work on daeva? If we're not letting 'em?"


"I have no idea but Minor said 'we don't know if the Killing Curse works' which - makes me suspect I know what Timothy would have tried."


"What a creatively named curse. I bet it kills people. Would he have tried to kill a daeva?"


"No, unless there are daeva who want to try dying. But it's one of the three Unforgivables and if they had a conversation Minor heard about whether the Killing Curse works on daeva they would have tried the one that does mind control. Which I don't even know how to cast, for the record, if you were wondering, I have dabbled in consensual use of love potions but you go to Azkaban for life for Unforgivables."


"...Is that the thing he put on the moon or am I mixed up."


"Okay, I guess you don't go to Azkaban for life anymore. Yesterday you went to Azkaban for life for Unforgivables."


"Yesterday you went to Azkaban for a day and then you went to the moon," she corrects, amused.


"When opportunities to learn the Unforgivable Curses arose I was under the mistaken impression that if I cast them I would go to Azkaban for life. Instead I would have gone to Azkaban until today, and now I would be on the Moon. Still doesn't seem worth it."


"I've been summoned to a lunar colony one time. It was perfectly nice."


"I am sure it beats Azkaban." He draws some glowing fabric out of his robes, wraps up his computer very tenderly, and tucks the package away. 


"It's not super fragile. Why do you have magic glow fabric?"


"Makes it not summonable off my person; it glows because I'm theatrical and I like powerful things to look powerful."


"It won't do anybody else any good. Well, not after you've finished training it."


"How's that work?"


"It's an anti-demon security measure! It learns how you think and checks a million times a second to see if you're operating it and won't respond to anyone else. So if someone makes your computer they don't get what you store on it."


"That's kind of brilliant. I will make it more applicable magic glowy fabric."


"Oh, what else can you make glowy fabric do?"


"Wherever I set it down it's conveniently there in my pocket the next time I want it, if anyone else tries to take it they get an animated angry one which tries to bite their nose, it changes colors every time I take it out..."


"Why would you make it change colors?" she laughs.


"To show off? Most spells aren't useful. We do a lot of turning kittens into dishware, and I've never had kittens and needed dishware in my life."


"Kittens? Genuine kittens not demonic ones?"

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