sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"I live in a dormitory, you'd need to make us some place."


...She laughs.


"And if you were to demand literally all my stuff then I could tell everyone that I lost all my stuff to a beautiful demon who invented a new instrument, in exchange for music from the future, and that'd be a story worth significantly more than all my stuff."


She laughs harder. "You're adorable."


"You are everything I could possibly hope for from a demon I summoned because my brother said to without any explanation whatsoever."


"I wonder why he did that. Last time he summoned me for the romance novels and the complete works of the Elf he traded me a magic bag and told me he'd made it with parlor tricks, which was obvious bullshit even when I didn't know what else it could've been."


"The complete works of the elf?"


"There's this world with Elfs. Elves? There's this world with an Elf population. He wanted to spy on one of 'em, don't ask me why."


Shrug. "He's going to take over the world. Not that I object, it's pretty poorly run, but - don't ask me to keep track of which of his miscellaneously nefarious purposes any given action serves. I'd suspect this was because he wanted arbitrary material stuff and could hardly charm a demon himself, but he already has a demon - your friend -"


"'Has' him? What's he paying Cam in?"


"Uh. No idea, actually."


"And he didn't ask Cam for the romance novels, apparently. He didn't even have a computer then, he got me to make him one. Yours is nicer, Timothy was getting on my nerves."


"Awww, thank you. I'm assuming he would have needed Cam for the putting people on the Moon? By default people can't live on the Moon."


"Maybe Cam was busy making moon arcologies," agrees Amriac. "Although they wouldn't be very big ones, I don't see any on the model." She peers at her model, rolls it along the grass.


He gestures at it and it bounces animatedly around their feet for a minute. "Anyway, we probably shouldn't tell people about summoning so maybe he just didn't want to be doing it all himself? It's also possible he just knew the music would make me really happy but he's a bit Slytherin for that to be it."


"A bit what now?"


"The wizarding school in Britain sorts children into four houses after the four Founders. Slytherin, for the ambitious; Gryffindor, for the courageous, Ravenclaw, for the curious, Hufflepuff, for the devoted. By reputation Slytherin's - where you start if you're eventually going to take over the world. Though obviously it is not the case that a fourth of the children of magical Britain are going to take over the world, and you can also be in Slytherin if you're just - the sort of person who gets what you want."


"So it's a glorified personality test, okay."


"A magic hat does the sorting. I don't know what a personality test is."


"Oh, you answer little multiple choice questions and then receive a label. It's silly."


"Ah. Houses're where you live for seven years of your life - and if we go to Limbo when we die no one told us, and we don't live that long - so people take them pretty seriously." He fiddles with his computer.


It has a tutorial for him to train it to respond to his thoughts.


Can he do that while talking with his demon.


If he's good at dividing his attention!


He can manage tracking a dot around the screen while they talk. "Actually I bet we don't go to Limbo, if there's some way to verify it, because if there were my dad'd be happy and he was just sitting in a corner with an enormous amount of weird future stuff."

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