sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Bet you I can. ...Elf? Parlor LARP?"


He sighs.


He pulls a sheaf of parchment out of his robes. He pulls a quill out. He says to the quill, very irritably, "Minor Finis Way, please slap our brother and then come out here and tell me what the fuck is going on beyond the unhelpful things I was already told about what was going on."

The quill dutifully writes this on the parchment. He pulls out his wand and taps it. It folds into a paper airplane and flies off towards the building.

"May I please have a sphereflute and an explanation of how to play it, while we're waiting?"


...She's busy boggling at the flying parchment.


"It's going to get my little brother so he can explain things. He'll be more irritating than Timothy about it but at least it wasn't all his fault to begin with."


"And here I was planning to blame Cam for everything because I know he's involved somehow and I didn't even mention sphereflutes to Parlor LARP. What did you just do - you can't be a fairy, you summoned me -"


"Is Cam the shirtless dude, cleanshaven, short hair, wings and a tail, hanging out inside with my brothers and my father and the thirteen-year-old girl Timothy considers his protegé and Minor wants to marry?"


"...I have no idea who the thirteen year old girl is or whether Minor wants to marry her. Cam is one of like a hundred million demons meeting that description except for the part about his location which I can't personally confirm. He looks like this?" Photo of Cam with a violin. "And I am ninety five percent sure he wrote that song Timothy paid me with because it's a fucking violin sonata and does that thing with the key change that he always does."


He blinks. "How'd you do that? Yeah, that's the dude hanging out inside. He gave me the piece of paper and offered to give me a university course on summoning but I didn't want to wait that long to get to the music."


"Iiiii'm aaaaa deeeemon," she says slowly. "Okay then he's definitely in on whatever this is, I'm giving him a piece of my mind -" She turns the photo over in her hand and starts appearing words on it without the benefit of a dictation quill.


"I don't know anything at all about demons!!!! I didn't know they existed until this afternoon!"


"Are you people like Amish or something."


"No! Oh, thank God - is that an offensive thing to say around a demon -" - because Minor is heading over.


"I do not care," says Amriac, rolling her eyes.


He trots over. "Hi, Michael."


"I hope you slapped him really hard. Go on -"


He glances at the circle. "Hi, Amriac! Make a model of the surroundings of the Tower of London in the world where Michael and Timothy and I are from, and then the surroundings of the Tower of London in the world that you are accustomed to being summoned to."


"What is with you people and models of British locations. I have not even been offered anything."


"I am offering an explanation of what is going on."


"Telling me to make Tower of London models is not an explanation!" she says, angrily brandishing the photo which now has Letter to Cam: Cam you fuckhead written on the back of it.


"The models will be explanatory."


"What're we supposed to be offering her?"


"All kinds of stuff, they can't make anything magic."


"I don't even know what the Tower of London is supposed to look like! If fucking aliens landed on the Tower of London and that explains everything I will not be able to tell the spaceship from human architecture!"


"There are multiple Earths. We are from one almost four hundred years behind the one you're accustomed to. Making stuff from each of them will at least confirm that they're different, and I don't know which things are definitely still around in 2179 but the Tower of London would be, and you can probably distinguish between preindustrial human buildings and modern human buildings." 


She frowns, and then makes a couple of mini Moons instead of Towers, and squints at them. "...okaaaaay..."


"Our world has different magic than the magic on the Earth you're used to, and no one knows about summoning. Michael, demons can make any non-magic stuff. People usually summon them to ask for stuff in exchange for, like, music or media or whatever. There're also angels, who can change stuff, and fairies, who can move stuff and are what Timothy used to dismantle Azkaban and put everyone on the Moon."

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