sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Then your surroundings, rather loosely defined. Couldn't walk by a house and then use a Pensieve to go poke around the indoors, could walk into a room as someone is stuffing a letter into their desk and Pensive the memory to read over their shoulder."


"Huh. ...But that's a tangent, never mind."


"If it'd be valuable for something I can go call in some favors and acquire one. But the point is that I don't think if we make elderly wizards summoners then it'll stay a secret long at all. ...could break into Azkaban and offer them the means to commit suicide -"


"Crossed my mind, yeah."


"Breaking into Azkaban sounds difficult for the same reason being in Azkaban sounds like a repulsive human rights violation."


"Yeah, there'd be no chance with just magic but depending what kind of range fairies have you could probably do it with one of them."


"What's the range on a Dementor?"


"Minor, how big was a meter again?"


Gesture. Eyeroll.


"Some effects at maybe three hundred of those, the intense effects they'd have to be within ten or so."


"Okay, a fairy and a pair of binoculars can extract a person from there. Possibly also just fling all the Dementors into space."


"Let's fling all the Dementors into space. Should probably have an alternate containment strategy for the prisoners, though, wizards are legitimately a little hard to hold..."


"Moon colony? Since Apparition doesn't go that far in astronomical terms. I guess if inmate-on-inmate violence is a problem then that doesn't solve it."


"There's not much you can do without a wand, Moon colony probably solves it."


"Nonmagical persons do manage to harm one another sometimes."


"Sure, but you can nonmagically keep them separated."


"Solitary confinement is in the future considered cruel."


" - that's kind of adorable. I mean, I'd fall apart, but that that'd be taken into consideration - Uh, could come up with an arrangement that lets them talk to each other while being separated? Or unseparated with consent?"


"I could probably design something like that if I can get an exhaustive list of what they might be able to do without their wands. 2179 standards don't settle for not-in-person contact unless it can be demonstrated there's no way to safely have the prisoner around anybody else - like, even if they invariably attack guards and other prisoners, if they will sit nicely with their mom and their mom is available there's minimum standards for how often they have to let her visit, etcetera - but we probably don't have to be quite that precious about it especially if we don't assume a population of prison guards, and it'd be a marked improvement over Azkaban anyhow."


"Father, can you make Cam a list -"


"Yes, sure."


Cam starts drafting a set of low-maintenance moon arcologies.


He goes up to his room to read about Nelyafinwë Maitimo on his computer. 


...he can't figure out how to work his computer.


He comes back downstairs. "Uh, Cam?"




"Amriac gave me a computer but I can't figure out how to make it interact with me."

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