sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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Back upstairs. "Lots of elderly Muggles are now summoners, we'll see if it helps."


"If it does I want to be a demon."


"Yeah, if it does and it doesn't interfere with magic I want to be a daeva as fast as possible but we'd need wizard deaths to check that."


"Know any dying wizards?"


" - yep and I do not want them to be daeva. They haven't done anything deserving of death but - I'll have to think about it."


"What's the matter with them?"


"If we keep the magic, it'd be pretty damn trivial to make a summoner snap a binding, I bet you could Confund someone into that, wouldn't even need spells that are acknowledged as actual mind-control -"


"Confunding being?"


"Occlumency blocks that one. It temporarily leaves you really really confused and suggestible."


"You could just summon them immediately, if you could know when they died, under bindings forbidding that sort of thing."


"Will probably have to at least until we can tell everyone in Revelation 'add 'no casting spells' to your bindings' - and I don't know enough about binding to guess if that's complicated in any way to add -"


"It might be covered under some but not all of the standards for demons and angels - not fairies, though, fairies don't typically have any options that get covered in language that would encompass mindfuckery. I can't cast a Confundus but I could drug somebody, if they left it open and I wanted to."


"My guess is that there'd be some loophole for a wizard in bindings not specifically designed to protect against wizards, and also I'd expect them to take offense at bindings and at Muggles who attempt them..."


"Probably, yes."


"Also they are less likely to, having been taught to summon, be persuaded not to tell everyone, and have more avenues to reconstruct the circle that was used and so on..."


"I mean, you could do the circles in invisible ink."


"Father, if someone did that, what would you try -"


"Call someone else in invisibly to see if they can tell what's going on, make an exact copy of the paper or whatever that I was supposed to draw on so I could later try all kinds of tests on it to see what features it had that had produced that result, I wouldn't try to read the mind of the daeva but some people would, ask the daeva how this worked and how I could get them back, Pensieve it and mess around in the memory to try to catch something..."


"You can duplicate objects and include features you don't know about?"


"As far as I know the charm produces an exact duplicate."


"What's a Pensieve?"


"Stores memories for later review! You can walk around, peer at things you didn't get a close look at, get different angles...I don't have one but with sufficient determination could obtain one."


" includes stuff you didn't see? To what distance?"


"Usually just the room you're in, maybe someone's developed a better one but it's not on the market if so."


"What if you're outside or had a view of it?"

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