sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"It'll take me awhile but I can do it in Milliways presumably, there should probably be a couple per church in case..."


"Have you actually tried summoning in Milliways?"


"We have not. It has worked everywhere it has been tried, though."


"Milliways is weird."


"It is! I'll give it a try once we're back."


"We'd probably need an expert on Anglicanism to get anywhere with the idea. Do you know where you'd get one of those?"


"Hestia Prewett has an great-uncle who's a bishop but I'm not supposed to know that and I'm not sure how she'd take it if I asked for an introduction."


"I know a deacon but he doesn't like me."


"Is there a story there because that sounds like a great story."


"I may have announced rather loudly that God was evil when I was seven in a way that made it look to some bystanders like he must have told me that outright. Instead of just outlining theological principles that imply it."


"That's amazing.



If I have my choice of angels, which it is not obvious I will, I'll get ones who can do healing when they show up. The demons I've met have all been lovely, presumably there're some angels who'd help just for the sake of it."


"Yeah, that would be good. Although it'd tempt people to summon them on non-Communion occasions."


"Solved in the short term by people being illiterate and not knowing how, serious problem in the long term."


"They don't have to know how to read to copy by rote. And they can make mistakes."


"I'm pretty sure you can work up a circle sufficiently intricate it'd be pretty much impossible to copy without it in front of you. Mistakes - yeah, possible. The advantage to doing all this within preexisting institutions the wizards have written off as superstition is that hopefully we can disseminate a lot of information without it causing much disturbance."


"I guess if you trust the angels reasonably well and they don't make a mistake on the name, it's not that bad, except insofar as they'd then be tied up next time someone tried to summon them."


"Everything'd go better if we had demons willing to supervise for shenanigans but Cam might be really busy and I don't think Amriac likes me that much."


"She doesn't?"


"I mean, 'hang around doing regular conjurations for troublemakers' is really tedious. I think she likes me fine but I think she would want lots of magic stuff and I'm stretching the masquerade pretty thin as is. Also I feel very slightly discomfited by 2179 flirting. Maybe I should throw Michael at her."


"They both like music and I get the impression he can't exactly lead her on. It might turn out fine."


"Can't lead her on? Do I want to know?"


"I think half my brother's problem, which is still entirely his fault, is that some people our age are starting to think who they're going to marry and some people are trying to have a lovely adventurous time before they are obliged to think about who they're going to marry and he keeps not being on the same page. ...I am pretty sure by 2179 in Hell that's - less of a thing."


"I think I might actually introduce them. It'd be highly entertaining. Maybe Cam would make a facial expression."

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