sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"1802 probably has - a lot more desperate people than 2179."




"Don't know what to do about that. Has anyone tried an incentive system - like, demons, if you get a chance to be an asshole, and you decline to be an asshole, come show us the recording and we'll give you magic items..."


"It's easy to fake recordings in the future - and we have obviously not tried any magic item based incentives - and also if we are gagged we can't point out all the opportunities to be an asshole, I've more than once been unsafely summoned in such a way that to indicate that I would have had to actually hurt somebody."


"Can't conjuring also detect fake recordings? And - huh. That's with a mostly literate population? Because people who aren't are going to make even more mistakes - what kind are common -"


"Conjuring can tell the difference between real and illusion sound and it can distinguish authorship but it is not to my knowledge possible to use it for detecting video editing. And that is with a nearly universally literate population but being able to read does not actually make people smart or careful. They misspell things, or write their circles in Latin despite not actually knowing Latin and get all the grammar tangled up, or leave things out because the dependency clauses are too complicated for them and they think they'll be safer with something simpler just because the loopholes don't occur to them."


"What share of daeva take advantage of mistakes?"


"Not very many. The horror stories are mostly about daeva being allowed to talk and seeming very friendly and getting their bindings snapped and then doing whatever - taking advantage of a mistake is more opportunistic than most people will take lots of summons to enable."


Oh look it's his room. "Before we roll out summoning I should probably be acquainted with all of these horror stories, is there a book?"


"There's a few. In either direction, people have been known to summon daeva and then not give them a task and keep 'em in zoos, sufficiently bound daeva are pretty helpless."


"Why are people so terrible?"


"Poor incentives and a mental architecture designed for survival in small zero-tech tribes in Africa."


"That is the most reasonable and kind answer I've ever gotten to that question." He unlocks his door. "Do you want your 2179 clothes back, I was assuming not because you're a demon but I haven't anything to do with them."


"I haven't anything to do with them either, I haven't updated my limited fashion sense since I died and no longer wear shirts."


He had noticed. 

"Okay. Imperio."




He would like Cam to go downstairs with him and tell everyone that daeva are not vulnerable to the Imperius, that it doesn't seem to affect them at all -


Downstairs. Five flights. Walk walk walk.


It's such a pleasant floaty feeling, isn't it. Minor has buried himself in his book again and Miranda is interrogating the bar. 

Cam is going to tell them that everything's fine, that it didn't work...


- he's not going to be very convincing if his eye keeps twitching like that -


- Cam just doesn't need to actively contradict him, Cam has been very good about not having opinions, Cam can keep not having opinions.

"Good news, looks like daeva indestructibility extends to mental effects - either that or I'm not powerful enough but I don't think that was the problem, it felt like I did it fine and it just glanced off."





"Yes," he agrees, putting his wand away. "Which is super inconvenient - nicely done, by the way, that was fast and I don't think it was for indestructibility-related reasons at all..."


"Yeah. Indestructibility's passive, that - wasn't."


"Like trying to make the pieces of your own head click and slowly noticing they're all bent funny," he agrees. "I have heard it analogized to realizing you're dreaming. Gets easier with practice."

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