sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"- you don't think my being an Occlumens will throw off the results -?"


"I am optimistic it will make you unusually good at it and therefore the experiments unusually not horrible, I'm guessing I could tell the difference between 'cast it and you brushed me off' from 'that isn't evil enough intent to cast it in the first place'."



"I'll try it at least once."


Nod. "Come with me - you won't be gone long, we can stop time once we're there."


"Okay." She follows him as briskly as she is able, scribbling a note as she goes. It paper-airplanes away.


Then they will reach Minor sitting at the door of Milliways. 


"I said you should pick someone else."


"Yeah, but you had bad reasons. Close the door -"

It closes. 

"Okay. Sorry for the urgency. Now that death might be fixable I find the fact I'm not going around to get literally everyone who's dying - stressful. You can have as long as you want now."


"Why did you want him to pick someone else?" Miranda asks Minor. "Are there other Occlumenses who can throw off Veritaserum around?"


"It's the Imperius, throwing off Veritaserum's not anywhere near enough - did you know he even knew it -"


"No but I'm glad he told me he did instead of not that if he was going to know it anyway!"


He sits down. "This is Milliways. It is an interdimensional bar; the door connects up to different worlds, sometimes. Some of those worlds are ahead of us in history and technology. You can buy books from the year 2000 and the year 2150 and so on from the bar; she can also introduce herself. Like I said, you can take as long as you want to think about it now the door's closed. Or ask questions or whatever -"


"What does the Imperius Curse have to do with ending death?"


"I learned about a new form of magic, while I was here. It's called summoning; we should change the name of the Summoning Charm to minimize ambiguity. But anyway. There are three realms called daeva realms; they're known as Heaven, Hell, and Fairyland, though I'm going to fight really hard to get them known as something else in our world. Hell is populated by demons who also need a name change for Muggle relations reasons. They're people, indestructible, who can make arbitrary material objects. 

- by 2100 lots of very scary stuff has been invented or discovered, and the ability to make arbitrary material objects fairly trivially permits you to destroy the world.

Heaven is populated by angels, who can change any thing into any other thing, and Fairyland of course by fairies, who can move themselves or other things with a lot of speed and precision. None of these have any stamina limits or usage limits.

Daeva can be summoned; people on worlds that have discovered this summon them under strict constraints to trade them favors. And anyone who has summoned a daeva becomes one if they die."


"You could call me an 'apsel' if you don't like 'demon'," Cam says.


"...and you need to test the Imperius but not actually on a daeva..."


"Might be that I can't cast it for research purposes at all; conventional wisdom is that one can't. Might be that I can, if I am in fact intending to be some level of awful. - I'm pretty sure you can stop me, it took me an hour and a half the first time but you picked up Occlumency faster than I did.

Might be that the requisite sort of intent is bad enough I am not willing to try it on someone who I don't expect will be able to throw it off."


"Okay. If you can't cast it for research purposes what's the plan?"


"Uh, candidate plans include 'involve someone who is misinformed in a direction that'd enable them to do it', 'involve someone better at it than I am', and 'cast it on people without consent -' the threshold's a lot lower there, and I know one or two people who would agree afterwards it'd been the right thing to do and also still feel safe around me..."



"What's it like?"


"Pleasant. Vaguely dissociative."


"It'd probably make it a worse test if you outline what'll happen if I don't throw you off?"


"I'm going to start by trying while intending not to do much of anything, but I don't expect that to go through, and it's very possible it'll go through only at intent to do something you would not be okay with. You can place as many constraints as you'd like on what can happen but that makes it likelier it just doesn't go through."



"How about you can do whatever as long as you do it in front of Minor."


"We can try that."

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