sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"No one can have everything."


Oh look how few opinions Cam has.


And whose throne room is in the model? 


Revelation's, but that could be because of where she thought she was.


"Yeah - can you get ours if you're going for it?"


Cam makes an attempt - "This it?" It is.


"So that'd explain previous conjuring only pulling from the home dimension."




"If there're really untold numbers of universes, and the magic's somehow contagious...we're not going to have enough demons."


"If dead summoners become daeva anywhere we might be fine."


"That's the next thing to check, I guess, go to London and find some dying people..."


"Discreet ones, unless we want all Hell knowing as soon as one dies all about the other Earth."


"That might be a little challenging, I have no idea how to assess the discretion of someone on their deathbed and no one I know is currently dying."


"We could try finding people who seem likely to be angels or fairies instead but I'm not confident in my guess of how that happens and it'd only slow it down anyway."


"If we've got a solution to death I'm not okay with keeping it secret anyway, so if the first one worked there'd be a thousand more the next day. Might have to abandon discretion."


"This also means there will be daeva on the same planet as wizards, even if it's somehow only for immortality and nobody uses them for anything else."


"Yeah, I realize. And you can't even roll it out just among Muggles because every wizarding government will investigate something that looks a lot like teaching Muggles magic."


"So the 'separate planets' security measure is a no, I suppose, which makes it a bit more urgent to test resistance to mind control or at least how it interacts with bindings."


"Yeah. Do you have a friend who'd be willing to be a test subject there?"


"Doesn't come up as a topic of conversation very often. I have guesses but only that."


"Why don't I check on humans whether I can test the Imperius under conditions that are not utterly horrible, and then we can ask for interested daeva test subjects."




He races through the hallways. People are dying, and now it's potentially within his control and so very very distracting. She'll probably be in the library -




There she is. "Hi!"


Every silencing spell he knows and he switches to Igbo. "I have just stumbled on an opportunity that is really important - might, among other things, end death - but we need a fair bit of information about the interaction of two different magic systems to be sure it's safe. Luckily the opportunity also involves the ability to travel outside the jurisdiction of the Ministry.


The opportunity doesn't at all depend on your answer to this, and I'll find things for you to do either way, but - do you want to learn how to throw off the Imperius and are you willing to participate in experiments into how much senblance of consent is compatible with casting it."

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