sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Right. The wings are not necessarily obligatory, incidentally, it's possible for daeva to go stealth if we want - easiest for angels."


"So if mind control doesn't work, we find and screen some daeva who would like to bring 1802 up to modernity and end the slave trade and so on, and they do so incognito. If mind control does work and in particular if it gets around bindings it is probably safer not to have daeva and wizards on the same planet."


"Which gets harder as space travel gets more accessible. Can cut that off with bindings for daeva, harder to bring your world up to the space age without any spacefaring..."


"You could conjure for wands on outgoing spaceflights. But it'd definitely require ongoing maintenance - might in fact just be better to train people to throw off the Imperius -"


"With what maliciously-intending caster, that seems like a serious limitation."


"- there're ways to make it work, they're just - dubious. Maybe with more thought I could come up with less dubious ones."


"What are your dubious ideas?"


" - if you're in Slytherin and determined to take over the world someday and towards that end to at least dabble in dark magic far enough to handle it should it come up later, it is not that hard to find someone who'll help teach you to throw it off. The usual arrangement is something like 'I'll take it off in four hours; if you manage to throw it off before then, good for you, but if you don't, no complaining -"





"Bet we can do better."


"That would be ideal, yes, even passing for human I probably should not spend four hours like that, just in case, even if I managed not to make any stuff my indestructibility is quite passive, same goes for other more adventurously inclined daeva..."


"And might come up, yeah. I was not suggesting you try it."


"That does put a slightly encouraging bound on 'malicious inclination', though, if I catch the implications right."


"Yeah. You can have training that is within parameters agreed-upon in advance."


"But I assume the parameters can't be 'caster makes trainee do their laundry'?"


"You could probably cast it intending not to do worse than that, but I doubt you'd get anywhere having explicitly agreed in advance not to do worse than that."


"How does this interact with the trainee having well-grounded expectations about what might be intended without explicit agreement?"


"No idea. I have a very small sample size here."


"Fair enough."


"And my sample somehow fails to contain anyone who wasn't terrified. But again, the only people currently doing this are ones willing to risk being tortured to death -"


"Which is rather terrifying - the indestructibility is suppressible -"


"And there's a different Unforgivable that might or might not interact with it at all."


"Two of them, even, although the one that just kills you - well, I guess we could try to summon somebody out of the Poppy Gardens, write the caretakers and see if they'll wake someone up - occasionally you get a suicidal daeva, some do-gooders keep them asleep."


"- oh, of course that'd be a thing - if the other two don't work we can assume that one doesn't either, if they do then maybe we can ask -"


"Hard to find somebody who knows the spell and con them into thinking the Poppy Garden sleeper wants to live?"

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