sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"Is your wand inherently magical?" Cam wonders.


"Probably, why -"


"Demon powers are useful for finding things out, I can conjure by things like time and location to a certain extent without knowing what I expect to get, it might let me see somebody unexpected with a wand on them coming if I could make them, but if I can't it won't work."


"You're welcome to try - also, if you can make them then no one'd mind too much if you broke them in a fit of paranoia, while if you can't then that'll be very unpopular, warranted as paranoia probably is."


Cam is now holding what looks like a duplicate of Timothy's wand. "It is still possible it won't work, like this, depending on the way in which magic wands are that."


"But you can use it for checking, that's good. I can check if it works -" he extends a hand for it -


Cam hands it over.


He makes a sharp precise gesture, then a different one - "Nope. Looks like you can make inert wands."


"Well, still works forensically and won't upset whoever sells them."


"Yeah. ...this also probably isn't in the books I recommended you, but wizards can do some stuff wandless, not spells but you wouldn't want to assume a wizard without a wand is effectively a Muggle."


"What kinda stuff?"


"Some people are Animagi - can turn into animals - very skilled people can still Apparate - there're cultures that don't use wands and do it all by gesture or with some other focus but that's near-impossible to pick up if you don't start with it -"




"We can take as long as we want, subjectively, to bring any of this to the attention of any people I don't trust completely."


And someone comes racing around the corner, raises an eye at the door, and then raises an eye at his brother. 


"Hey! Minor, this is Cam; Cam, this is one of my little brothers."


"We're in the same Arithmancy class," he says, squinting at the bar again, "so not that little."

Timothy lets the door close. 


"Hi," says Cam.


"Hi - can you actually fly with those, I thought humans didn't have the right skeletal structure for that - oooh -" and he races over to peer at the window - 


"...Yes, I can fly with these."


"How do you do it? Where is this place?"


"I flap. It is called Milliways."


"I mean how do you do the spell for the wings, not how do you fly once you've got them. What're the stars - is there a vantage point where I'd get this view - why are so many of them exploding, stars explode but in any given night sky there really shouldn't be several of them doing it -"


"Didn't use a spell. I have no explanation for the stars."


"...okay, potion, whatever, if it's proprietary I'll pay you, or Timothy can give you a continent -"

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