sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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- he can't send Timothy a message in the middle of his exams - 

"Uh. It didn't kiss him, right -"


"I don't think it even came in through the door or Minor'd be shivering - you're not really cold, right, Minor -?"


"Not really, no - I had a bad nightmare but that was - it - it was in the hallway when you killed it? - oh - Bar, did the Dementor come in, can you tell -"


It did not enter or Security would have apprehended it for unauthorized use of a hostile psychic aura.


"But that doesn't apply if people in the bar are being affected by the hostile psychic aura, as long as it's technically outside? That's stupid - sorry -"


"- should I keep him stunned until we think of something -"


- word has spread and now more people are coming downstairs.


"...yeah keep him stunned till we have a better idea."


While hostilities inflicted on persons in the main bar area by patrons elsewhere in the establishment are treated as though the perpetrator were in the main bar area, Security cannot be responsible for events outside Milliways entire. It is recommended that when this risk is incurred someone awake hold the door.


"Sorry -"


(Michael stuns Cam again -)


"You didn't turn a dementor loose in Hogwarts in the first place - who even does that -"


(Stun again) - "they were around the grounds looking for escapees but they weren't supposed to be allowed anywhere near the school -"


"Ugh. What time is it in our world now, I was upstairs -"


"Nearly sundown, exams should be over soon if they're not yet - Timothy can probably fix everything -"


"Okay. I'll... leave this here... in case any more Dementors show up... and if he's not here soon I'll go out with it and look for him -"


He stuns Cam. He explains to the gathering audience of mostly-Elves what happened.


And he sees a crumpled Dementor-cloak on the floor in the hallway -

- and a crowd of people, all looking very shaken-up, and Cam -


" it turns out I can kill Dementors."


" - well, that's useful - why was there a Dementor here at all -"


"I don't know and I don't know what to do about Cam, if Michael stops stunning him he's just kind of -"


He crosses the room. He does not collapse on the ground next to Cam that would be undignified he floats Cam up to his level and then pulls him close and - "either stop stunning him or describe it well enough I can actually do something -"


"- he looks like he wishes he could die."


"I want two people on the door from now on," he snaps - the assembled wizards mostly ignore him but a couple Elves go to sit next to Minor - kind of disconcerting, that -


- "Imperio," he whispers - 


- it doesn't go - 

- he tries wrapping his brain around it better - he wants to make this person an extension of his will he does it counts stupid mandatory evil spell -

- nope -


"Michael thought maybe Cheering Charms but they might just be - confusing -"


"Yeah this'd work better if it worked but it looks like I can't cast it - possibly can't cast it on him at all but definitely not with the expectation that he will be okay and then immediately throw it off -"



"- you cast it on him before and then he said he didn't want you to do it anymore and if you do it anyway then he knows you substitute your judgment for his and you didn't even ask me, he will not be happy -"

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