sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"The existence of alts is sort of inconvenient for various forms of sensitive information and I'm trying to figure out how to handle that."


"Do you mean the thing where Maitimo said you had a crush on Cam. Because that could be solved by just not saying things like that."


"No, I mean more - so far, everyone matches, and Cam's bi, and you I assume don't know yet, but might not want people concluding that either way -"


"Me and Cam are not very matchy. For instance I am a girl. I guess people might be stupid about it but I'm not sure how a stupid person would even notice we were supposed to match in the first place."


"I noticed. It might be no one will assume anything but I thought you deserved some control over it."


"I think it'll be okay as long as the alts thing isn't casually advertised to stupid people."


"Can do. ...Maitimo is fine saying things about us but he wouldn't say things inferred using people skills about you, if you were worried."


"That's good."


"Althood sort of stretches the definition of our own business but we can mind our own business, and peoples' personal lives or families aren't."


"Anyway, that's all I wanted to ask you."




"What for?"


"...your time? I asked you how to handle it, you gave advice?"


"You're welcome."


And back to work. 


"- I should probably let Theodore and Fredrick study for their O.W.L.s in here," he says to Cam at one point, "since it's my fault that the school and Board and most of society has been in a very disruptive uproar all week and they've been covering for Michael and I instead of studying."


"Seems reasonable."


"After exams I'm going to have to pull a lot of favors to get continued access to Hogwarts. Usually it'd just be a matter of inventing an ongoing research project but the Ministry's terrified by the Azkaban breakout - I'd tell them where to look but they're rounding up all the wild Dementors to help with the search and that's by far the most efficient way for all the wild Dementors to be rounded up, so I'm thinking we steal those and then explain ourselves..."


"How does one round up a Dementor?"


"They can understand conversation, though they don't talk - presumably they're promising them lots of people to feed on in exchange for help tracking down the escaped ones - it's possible they have internal experiences and being alone in deep space is unpleasant for them, maybe we can eventually find a synthetic emotional fuel source for 'em."


"Yeah, if they're bright enough they can make economic bargains they should probably warrant some consideration even if they're awful nightmare thingies."


"They are in fact awful nightmare thingies but there's probably some way to give them some of what they want, somewhere in the multiverse."


"And then we can feel very magnanimous, feeding the awful nightmare thingies responsibly-sourced nutrition."

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