sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"The same - oh."


"I'd met Cam before he was sad."


"I should probably still have noticed."


"I think Cam's been reading things on the multiverse for the last thirty hours, if you want to go talk him into taking a break."


"I don't know if -"






"Could I lie to you - actually, that's an interesting question - I bet I could, come to think of it -"


He ignores him and goes bouncing off to find Cam.


Cam is hanging out nearish Miranda; they are both reading things.


"Moon things went well! Apparently you two are the same person?"


"We are! Minor is now weirdly angry at the guy who murdered Cam!"


"How bizarre! Is the guy who murdered Cam an ongoing concern in any respect?"


"Then I will suggest to him that he find something that is. Though I bet he's busy, actually, I have forty pages of reading on interdimensional transit options and what's being pursued with them."


"Lots to do. How's the moon prison doing?"


"The prisoners have been restored to good physical condition and the angels are appalled with everything, as they should be. The prisoners seem confused about the concept of therapists - I'll confess I'm a little confused about the concept of therapists - but were happy to have people to talk to and assurance the Dementors weren't coming back. Buying this much time required admitting to the Hogwarts Board of Governors that I'm up to shenanigans and their interpretation of shenanigans was that I am the heir of Slytherin and have opened his secret chamber, but I don't think I care. There're still stray dementors out in the wild, if conjuring can get their surroundings it might be worth taking a demon and a fairy and going to pick 'em off. How've you been?"


"I've been fine. Is there context around the heir of Slytherin thing?"


"Uh, rumor has it that when Slytherin built the school he made a hidden chamber where - depending who you ask - there's either a library of dark magic or a terrible monster, and only his true heir can open it. As far as I know I'm not descended from Slytherin but I can see why people are guessing that, given what they do know."


"If it's about descent you'd think having living parents would disqualify you even if you were thus descended. It's not inconvenient to be rumored to have opened this chamber?"


"And does it interfere with your ability to cover for me?"


"It is more inconvenient than being the darling Head Boy without a misdemeanor to his name but less inconvenient than explaining Milliways, and they're actually cancelling exams for everyone except those of us stuck with O.W.Ls and N.E.W.T.s, on account of the breakout, so even if I lose authority to cover for you you are covered for."


"I don't see why they'd cancel over that when nothing's come of it."


"Lot of families wanted their kids at home."


"...I think Amber would have given Karen my letters if Nnenne had sent anything urgent..."

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