sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"I don't see how that would help anything."


"If he was okay with murdering people when he was a human and could suffer consequences for it, what do you think he's like as a daeva?! Also it'd make me happy."


"I assume as a daeva he is typically surrounded by other daeva, who are indestructible and also unlikely to personally infringe on his economic interests in such a dramatic fashion."


"He could take summons. Timothy should at least check - or Elf Timothy -"


"I do actually keep track of adverse daeva incidents and none of them have been him."


"That could just mean he hasn't had a chance yet."


"That's possible, since I was killed only a little over a century and a half ago."


"Well, most bindings don't let you murder people, right? And he might've lived a long time after he killed you."


"Correct. However, his modus operandi was 'shoot a guy in front of a hundred and fifty eyewitnesses and then don't resist arrest and plead guilty', so I don't think he's some kind of serial killer mastermind, here."


"...why'd he kill me? He was making money off secretly summoning daeva and having 'em do stuff and he couldn't make nearly as much money that way when anybody could do it."


"But murdering people and going to jail isn't a very good way to make money at all."


"Yeah, if he was willing to kill people he could orchestrate a bunch of lethal daeva 'accidents', convince people it's too dangerous to try..."


"I really think you are overestimating this fellow's creativity and long-term planning."


"Being murdered by someone dumb in a way that doesn't even help them with their dumb goals is just so insulting."


"That wasn't really in my top five complaints about the experience."


"How does becoming a demon work -"


"One second I was dead and the next I was a demon stark naked in downtown Dite and six people were asking me what languages I spoke."


"I mean, I like being a demon. My biggest problem was that my parents outlived me and I didn't get in touch with them before they went to Limbo."


"They're all right these days. I don't think they would have been demons anyway and they got good Limbo stuff as Limbo stuff goes."


"And next shipment to Limbo is going to have a bunch of magic goodies on it, if we can get Heaven to help us out."


"Heaven here serving a trade intermediary purpose?"


"They've got the next concordance and also Timothy was talking with them about ways to make the stupid goblets less so."

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