sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"The alternate universe versions of people thing? It really, really is - how'd you get dragged in -"


"I'm an Occlumens - I can throw off mind magic - and that was experimentally useful, also I am just great in general."


"Have you had the chance to take a look at what we're doing - we're not sure yet how much adapting it'll need, but one of the things Timothy got when he stole all my notes was some planning to end scarcity on Endorë without any demons, we came up with it before the war - they were a little farther along than you are but not too much, and less back when we were writing these up -" he pulls a computer out -


"I want one of those fancy computers but I'm waiting to see if Michael keels over first. I've been catching up on everything but I didn't prioritize 'plans that existed to do a thing without a resource that will obviously completely change the best way to do that thing'..."


"If your people don't daevafy on dying - we don't - then it is probably not worth openly doing things in your world with daeva, the downside potential is - well, I can't interview daeva without thinking what if we'd gotten someone other than Cam -"


"Not just daeva. Witches and wizards exist and even if we're not openly doing things there's things we could do covertly. There's no particular reason we couldn't make something that produced unlimited clean water and make it look like a well that simply couldn't ever get cholera in it, say. Also, Elves are kind of weird and all the social bits would be wrong for introducing on our Earth with humans and goblins and centaurs and all."


"How are we relevantly weird?"


"Cam keeps mentioning that you spontaneously die if imprisoned? Oaths? Everything has to be pretty? Crime rate of 'no'? The hair thing? That one's probably not actually relevant. I'm wondering if I count as decent according to the hair thing actually, technically it's all braided."


"Orcs didn't have a crime rate of 'no', and they also don't have the pretty thing or the imprisonment thing. You're a kid, so no one'd blink at it, but an adult would probably make Elves happier if they braided the braids into more braids. Why do you look very different from the other alternate universe people -"


"In, what, coloration? My ancestors are from another continent."


He blinks. Twice. 

"- how much of the wizardry interventions you're in favor of can be done while there's still the law about secrecy -"


She rummages around in her computer - "demonic format conversion is so great," she mutters. "Uh, there's the water thing, that's usually my go-to example. We could sneak a lot under cover of religion, I think Timothy's summoning-angels-at-first-communion idea is a reach but hide a wand in a cross and do miraculous healing and you're good... could sink slave ships before they filled up with slaves and make it look like storms, weirdly persistent storms but not ones they'd be able to trace back... Muggles can't tell apart some magical animals from regular ones, I haven't fully thought this one through because I thought of it right before Timothy got me and haven't been mulling it over very hard since then but I wonder if Kneazles snuck into Muggle areas couldn't help with some kinds of crime..."


"And how long were you estimating before you can dispense with the secrecy, what are the limitations on that -"


"Timothy thought something like another six years and it's all politics stuff which is his thing much more than mine so I wasn't expecting to do better there."


"Did Timothy mention that you are startlingly similar to Cam -"


" I? No, he didn't..."


" - yeah, you really really are - honestly, change the voice and sound a little bit more hopelessly sad about everything and I could be talking to him -"


"He's kind of hopelessly sad all the time."


"You did get the complete account of what we did, and why?"


"If you need any clarifications -"


"...I don't think so? Why?"


"He'll answer you but is in a bit of a bind because he does not want to defend his actions at all, and volunteering enough detail about contingencies and other things we attempted that you could actually draw a conclusion about whether we were right might come across that way, so if you had questions you might do better to ask me instead."


"I got the outline from Timothy and wasn't going to pester Cam about it. Why?"


"Well, if you're a not-exactly-doppleganger-but-we-don't-know-much-about-how-all-this-works-so-why-wouldn't-it-work-that-way version of him and you think it was terrible that'd really bother him, and also would be evidence you aren't but I don't know how much evidence because I don't know if at 13 he had fully settled on his present form of moral reasoning."

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