sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"But then he didn't try to make sure I didn't hear about it, and also the first time Timothy summoned me I didn't know Cam had a thing to do with it, that took until I listened to the song he paid me with and he did that thing with the key change."


"I still haven't heard the song!"


She puts it on. The thing with the key change is not annoying in a single instance, apparently.


It's a pretty good song. They talk music the rest of the way there, and have to touch down a ways from Diagon Alley because even invisible there're just too many people around.


1800 Muggle London is kind of dingy and very smelly.


...she can make less smelly air. Invisibly.


That's useful. And she won't be able to see Diagon Alley but he can pull her on into the Leaky Cauldron and make them visible once he's there, they'll notice Disillusioned people here.

       "Way! Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Sure am, sir, top of the class if you don't count the people who do their homework!"

       The bartender laughs. "They don't want people out and about too much, what with the Azkaban breakout."

"I don't see how we're in any more danger out and about. If Azkaban got dismantled security's not going to help."

       "You're just going to scare people, saying things like that."

"I personally believe people have nothing to be afraid of."

        The bartender accompanies them to the back of the building, taps the wall, watches him with a raised eyebrow. "Stay out of trouble, kid."

"Trust me, sir, I want nothing more than a peaceful shopping trip."


And here is Diagon Alley.


Diagon Alley is amazing.


He's glad she likes it. "I only have a couple Galleons on me, we're going to have to stop by the bank for pricier stuff."


"They'll buy some nice nonmagical gold?" she asks, rubbing her hands together.


"I think so, I think wizard-duplicated stuff's not quite as good. If not I still have a fair bit in my vault - my grandfather's on the Wizengamot and my father's invented a bunch of charms -"


"What's a Wizengamot?"


"Runs the country, sort of? They try people for crimes and make laws and things."


"Hell mostly doesn't have that sort of thing."


"What happens if someone does something bad?"


"Like... what?"


"Uh, someone really wants an elephant and gets a summoner to pay them with an elephant and then someone murders their elephant? Or someone puts a fancy tech thing secretly in someone else's house and catches a recording of them in bed? Or someone tells a summoner to get an enemy of theirs and just leave them stuck in a circle for a year?"


"If you have irreplaceable stuff around you tend not to live near other people in case something explodes. Bugging people's houses is fucked up but if you think somebody might bug your house you don't let them in, or if you're really paranoid you torch the place and remake it now and then. If they belong to a neighborhood association that kinda thing might get them shunned but there's nothing really done, done... The zoo summon would definitely cause reputation problems, maybe retaliation in kind."


"And stuff done on summons..."


"People might, like, not want Cam around. There's nothing they can actually do."


"Wizards'd kind of upset that balance."


"Oh, yeah, I guess they would if they decided to start trying to police demons?"


"If we do become daeva when we die, and we keep our magic, then someone would totally get it into their head to go around punishing bad people or whatever."


"You'd have to get a stick, right?"


"Yeah. Or potions ingredients but I bet those all relevantly count as magic."


"That's why I expect I couldn't just make a copy of that neat basement at home, probably everything cool in there is magic."

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