sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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And here's a circle.


And he goes outside and completes it!


And he receives a nerdy angel!


Who he has a lot of questions for about whether and how this plan could be accomplished!


The nerdy angel is pessimistic and/or does not want a precious living instance of 19th century Anglicanism contaminated but is very forthcoming with facts and analysis.


They are appreciated! He can't do anything anyway until they know whether summoners from their world become daeva.


And it would be pretty neat if some 19th century Anglicans became angels so this angel could hang out with them, so. Tradeoffs.


Especially since otherwise they probably all just stop existing irrevocably forever.


Well the angel wasn't going to presume to disrespect the religious beliefs of yeah they totally would he has a point.


Yeah. He spends all day quizzing her. "Thank you so much, can I get you anything?"


She has a modest shopping list for his convenient demon. He fills it.


"...I don't actually think there's much to do until someone dies and we know whether we daevafy when we do. We could start up time again - whenever Michael comes downstairs..."


"That could take any amount of time, Milliways isn't synced with itself."


"That's a little inconvenient. Okay. I guess I will start reading through Elf stuff and figuring out what they can help with."


Minor and Finis valiantly stay up reading for three days straight before they are persuaded to get some sleep; Miranda sleeps more sensibly, and reads over the notes on the war Timothy forwarded her. To Timothy's great inconvenience Cam is around when Michael and Amriac come downstairs; this means all he can say to Michael is 'you helped, it's in his notes', which is not as oblique as he'd like to be on the subject and which gets a raised eyebrow and then a much-appreciated interruption from Minor with a question about how room assignments in Milliways are organized.


And then Michael and Amriac can go shopping!


"I can't Apparate yet and a broomstick might not work for you. I guess we could go with the summoning a fairy?"


"Is that better for some reason than making a shuttle? How far is it? How fast are broomsticks, do they even outpace wings?"


"We probably don't have the same units of measure."


"It's three hundred forty kilometers."


He gestures with his hands like he's been doing this quite frequently. "Kilometer's a thousand of those."


"That'd take me four, five hours to fly," says Amriac. "Shuttle'd do it in minutes though, just needs a place to land."


"We can probably find one, I'll just make it invisible or something."


She giggles. "Sounds good. Invisible shuttle!"


"We'll have to walk to the edge of the grounds, wings'd raise questions..."

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