sad cam is just so fun we can't leave him alone
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"It'd make him happy. The point of all the evil scheming is to make everyone in all the worlds happy, you know, wouldn't do to lose sight of that."


"Sure, what was the other point -"


"It'd make Amriac happy?"


He sighs and goes back to his book.


"Cam, do I have mail?"


A sheaf of letters drops into his lap.


"Thank you!" Angels who are interested in shenanigans on 1800s Earth, yay! of them has a special interest in the 19th century Anglican Church, double yay!



...there's also a message from Michael that says 'I can lie pretty well, you know. Are you not-worried or super-worried.'

That one he quite nearly makes a discernible distressed facial expression at.


And Ister has acquaintances from some kind of demon kinkster mail group who'd maybe be interested but explaining is hard so if Timothy wants he could just get Cam to conjure group mail and lurk it to pick people?


He reports this to Cam.


"Do you actually want to lurk in a demonic kinky mail group."


"I am unfamiliar with the term."


"It's a bunch of people writing in uncomfortable detail to each other about their niche sexual interests."


"I find people fascinating and expect that to extend to most things they do, but if it's supposed to be private I wouldn't want 1802 that kind of thing is private..."


"Many people continue this tradition of privacy. But. Fewer. There is a moderate but unenforceable social expectation that you don't spy on a mail group if you're going to judge its participants but by nature they can't be private since they work by conjuration. Private ones have to hang out in person or be elaborately encrypted."


"Is there a way to, like, post to the mail group about our 'drug trial'?"


"Yeah, it has a submission protocol like how people have mail titles."


"That might be preferable to reading through it, then - how much screening for bad people should I be doing, so far daeva are much nicer than humans but I do realize they have incentive to seem so to summoners..."


"Even daeva who were around in 1802 have never been in meaningfully deprived conditions unless they got astonishingly socially unlucky or zoo-summoned or something. Also a lot of problems turn out to have to do with lousy childhoods which are a nonfactor. There are daeva who are terrible people - and ex-humans, but disproportionately from post-Revelation - but you don't need to be statistically surprised. Zero screening wouldn't cut it and daeva may make up in carelessness what is lacked in malice if they're not used to fragile humans."


Nod. "Can you help me compose a post, I'd phrase it all wrong."


"I'm only so much help there but sure."


"Thanks." And he goes to ask the bar for breakfast.


Bar is better than house elves at breakfast and also doesn't have any trouble accessing tropical fruit.


Amazing. He is so delighted with Bar.


He wants to go call up the angel with an interest in the Anglican church. "Cam, can I have a circle?"


"Course. For whom?"


He reads off the name.

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