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Leareth is a terrible ICU patient. Does this thread need to exist: no! but who can stop me
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She has to backtrack a ways and is eventually a lot more than fifty yards from Leareth in that direction, but eventually there's a another windowed door to a flight of stairs that goes down, and it's even unlocked!

- Leareth is suddenly radiating some sort of vague distress along the lifebond, but not in a very purposeful way, certainly not trying to Mindspeak her. 


Well she can try to mindspeak HIM. :I'm coming, I'm very close by, I'm on my way -:


Mindspeaking him is bizarre and doesn't feel at all like usual; he's not really holding his end of the link – and he's not shielding, apparently at all, which is especially baffling and worrying for him.

She can feel a wash of surprised relief through the lifebond so he heard her, probably, but his response, if there is one, isn't projected anywhere near strongly enough to reach her a couple hundred yards away. 


Hopefully he is at least slightly reassured. She goes down the stairs until she is the right amount of down.


Now he's just straight ahead that way, maybe a hundred and fifty yards, and then a little more to the left! 


She does not run but she wishes slightly more than usual that she could. She and her bad ankle and her stick go as briskly as they reasonably can toward Leareth.


The place continues to be kind of a maze - the corridor hits a dead end well before she's close enough, and jinks sideways another fifty yards which takes her past where he is, and then continues on. 

And then, finally, she's really close but there are more locked doors. And, judging by the view through the window in one of them, a second set of locked doors twenty yards past those ones? 


Time to "feel around" the inside of this locked door till she's identified something to yank.


The mechanism inside the locked doors is insanely complicated! She can feel at parts of it with touchsight but some of it seems to - not quite be mechanical at all? Though it's not magical either? It's very odd. 

There is at some point a more recognizable locking-bolt mechanism; it's unclear how it's usually operated, given that it's entirely buried inside the door and most people are not Fetchers with touchsight. It's also not totally clear if she can move it directly without damaging something; stuff seems to be crammed in there pretty tightly and intricately. 


Well, her next idea will also damage something and the smaller the thing she has to damage the better, all else being equal.



The door makes a rather alarming rattling sound, and if she tries pushing it she'll find it opens! 

Judging by the tugging feel in the lifebond, Leareth knows she's not far and is trying VERY HARD to reach out to her, but not in an especially effective way. 


:I'm coming I'm coming I'm almost there: She strides forward to the next set of doors, yanks the same thing, shoves them. WHERE IS HER LEARETH.


She nearly runs headlong into someone coming the other way; this person is an older man wearing a different uniform, with a sort of long white half-robe thing on top, open in front. He looks surprised but mostly busy and irritated. 

"What are you doing? You can't come in here–" The words are as usually incomprehensible to her, but he tries to shoo her back the way she came. 


She does not have time for this person trying to get between her and Leareth. She sidesteps him, shooing him with her stick.


He turns and follows her, yelling something. 

She finds herself in a wider hallway; to the left is a sort of elbow-high wall with a desk-like surface that runs all the way around a square space. There are chairs in the square space, in front of a more normal-sitting-height bar-like table, and odd boxes and flat squares with glowing surfaces - almost as though they're showing moving illusions, but still completely non-magical. 

Straight ahead is a hallway that eventually bends around a corner; there are a couple of normal-ish doors and then a big open area containing some rooms that don't have doors at all, just - weird sliding glass fronts? Some are open to view; some have curtains pulled across inside the glass. Leareth isn't in sight yet, he's around the bend thataway, but the open rooms she can see contain beds. And people who she can see at a glance, without even Healing-Sight to help, are all pretty sick or injured. 

The older man is having a loud conversation with a blond woman, who turns on her heels and forges toward Belrun. 


Aaagh. She doesn't want to have to drop this lady but she can hardly outrun her. At least the rooms have windows and if she really has to she can probably break one and glide herself and Leareth to safety but she'd rather just find him and then demonstrate to these people she can't converse with that she had really better be in the same place as him. Maybe this is a good time to risk a touch of mindreading since it is already pretty clear that this lady is thinking that Belrun is not allowed here and that's probably all she'll pick up. :Back off, I'm here for my lifebonded:


The woman jumps a foot in the air and squawks; her most strongly projected surface thoughts are WHAT!!?? and Marian seriously!!! 

She is, however, startled enough that she takes a step back and doesn't come after Belrun, just stares at her in befuddlement.




It's in a different sort of bay-room budding off the hallway, around the corner. It's easy to identify because the curtains are pulled wide and Leareth is clearly visible in the bed. He seems at least conscious enough that his eyes are open and pointed in her direction.

He's also surrounded by half a dozen more of the weird boxy colorful devices with glowing not-illusion faces on them, all of which are trailing...tails or cords or tubes, she can't tell yet from ten yards away, which go to him. One of them goes into his mouth, which seems to be why his visible attempts to call out to her aren't working at all. 


A young woman - Belrun's age or even a little younger - wearing the same blue cotton outfit, is standing beside him trying to hold him in the bed. "Hey, it's okay, just stay put will you please hold still - no earthquakes–" 

She sees Belrun and stops, her mouth slightly open, apparently at a loss for what to do. 


Well, if his door is not locked she's just going to go right in, random local or no random local. Leareth, at least, shares a couple languages with her. "I'm here, I'm here -" She weaves carefully around boxes and tubes and sits on the bed beside him and catches his hand in hers.


Leareth grasps at her hand in a very uncoordinated way, tries to speak again and ends up just coughing silently, at which point something makes a VERY LOUD sound like the world's worst musical instrument, about a foot from Belrun's ear. 

He tries Mindspeech, and at this range succeeds, though he's clearly projecting it to the room in general rather than just her. 

:Where - am I...?: 


:I think this is some kind of hospital but this city is very strange and I don't know where it is:


Leareth would have a dozen questions, right about now, but a single slow thought at a time is all he can manage. :Are you...all right...?: 


:Doing better than you. Do you know what all these tubes are for?: She can Look at him but the tubes are not organic and her ability to discern what the fuck they are doing is therefore limited.

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