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Leareth is a terrible ICU patient. Does this thread need to exist: no! but who can stop me
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That is way too many unfamiliar concepts at once, all half-glimpsed at best because his Thoughtsensing is slipping in and out of focus and she's, yet again, thinking about other things in the background - bright numbers on a dark screen, mostly - and he's not really following anymore. 

She wants him alive, though. He's very sure of that. She wants him alive and she was scared and now she's relieved but still nervous. 

He sends wordless assent.


"...That's a yes, you agree?" How does he do that, is she completely imagining it, what is going ON here.

The patient doesn't do anything to dispute this, so she releases his hand and gets up and goes to ask Dr Millinger if she can try little boluses of propofol as-needed and try to wean the Versed drip lower that way. "I, uh, I think he's actually a lot more cooperative if he's awake enough to track what's going on? And, uh, like you said, he burns through sedation stupidly fast, we can't keep him out cold all the time." 

Also she is PROBABLY GOING CRAZY but she's going to worry about that after her shift today. Possibly after her shift today and then getting drunk. 

...She briefly considers saying something to Alice about how she might be having a psychotic episode, but that sounds so incredibly mortifying, and...she feels okay? She checks; she can totally multiple seventeen by fifty-four in her head. She can run through a mental list of everything that happened today. If she were having a psychotic break she would probably be more impaired than this? 

Maybe it's a dream. 

She tries to wake up, and does not wake up. So it seems like the best course of action is just to keep doing reasonable things until she can go home and figure out what the hell just happened. 


The next time he jolts himself half-awake with a coughing fit that sends stabbing pain through his chest and head, the young Healer whose name he still can't remember but who's by-now-familiar is right there. 


"Hey, it's me, Marian - you're okay - can I give you some of the medicine, you'll wake right up in a couple of minutes but I need to suction out your lungs again and this way I won't be torturing you so much." 


...He was totally not successfully Thoughtsensing enough to follow most of that; he tries to indicate this with his face, and then with a flaily mental :??:


...It seems like he understands her better when she's touching him, for some reason? Weird, but Marian moves closer and puts her hand on his arm, then repeats herself, even more slowly and clearly. 


:Yes: It's kind of hard to breathe again and he would like that to stop, but also whatever it is she's been doing to him - the concept/mental image in her thoughts is baffling - is in fact extremely unpleasant. 

- it's not clear how she's giving him any drugs because he definitely isn't swallowing them - in fact swallowing seems to be kind of broken right now - but the world fades out. 


She is SO BEHIND but she's going to snatch the opportunity while her patient is (consensually) sedated and not fighting her, to grab Elaine and reposition him so he's straight in the bed rather than diagonal-ish and halfway slid down, and tilt him very carefully a bit to the other side while arranging a pillow to make sure this won't kink the chest tube or put too much pressure on his ribs. 


50 mg of propofol is enough to render him conveniently asleep and floppy for this process, but his back, when she tucks a pillow against him, feels concerningly warm. 


Oh for fuck's sake, his temp on the monitor is up to 100.9 and she can't tell if he's spiking a fever - plausible, his lungs are nasty - or if he just really doesn't need the warming blanket anymore. In any case, it smells like burnt plastic now. She unplugs it and strips it off and shoves it in the corner. 


The unit is, finally, something that distantly resembles quiet and under control, though no one will dare to say this out loud or think it too vehemently. 


Marian drinks a juicebox filched from the patient supply fridge - it's not like any of their patients eat - and swings her legs and charts, watching her sleeping patient and waiting for the next, inevitable adventure. 


Belrun is having a BAD DAY.

First, of course, she got attacked by wyrsa in the process of reuniting with her lifebonded, and then he did something about it, which appears to have landed the both of them - she can tell it's both of them because he's not that far away, though Amshalan is - in a bizarre city with glass towers. She broke her ankle, banged her elbow, and cut her leg on something while she was crawling out of the river, and she can tell Leareth, wherever he is, has it worse.

She sits on the side of the river, waving people off while they speak a foreign language at her and managing to be convincing enough that she's not in need of assistance, while she gets her ankle in shape to walk on and the bleeding to stop, even if she can't fix it all through. She breaks a branch off a tree to lean on a little while she proceeds Learethward, nearly gets herself creamed by a blundering wheeled thing that screams past very fast and only just manages to fling herself out of its path in time, and thereafter makes a careful study of how the locals cross streets. She has to do some more waving people off, shaking her head - they do seem to shake their heads, here - and making shooing gestures if they approach her about the bloody clothes or the limp.

Leareth is her compass through the maze, and she crosses streets and tries to get her ankle to stop complaining and stops to sit on a bench for a little while and kill an incipient infection in her cut, and rest, and then she keeps going, because she doesn't know how to get food around here short of Fetching it through a restaurant window and this seems like it might be more trouble than it's worth when he isn't that far away and she can rethink theft as a survival strategy when she's made sure he's not going to die.

She locates him as - in that building, somewhere, up instead of over, and looks for a way in. The doors part on their own and she and her stick, by now all dried off from the dip in the river, proceed inside to look for stairs.


Someone wearing a loose shirt and trews in matching pale blue cotton jumps, and then steps in her path.

“Ma’am - miss? - are you lost - this isn’t the emergency room,” he says, in a totally unfamiliar language, looking at her odd as well as bloodied clothing in bewilderment.


Does the head-shaking-shooing-gestures-continuing-to-look-for-stairs procedure work on this person.


It takes a while! But after a minute of trying to insist, he seems to decide that he's too busy and this should perhaps be someone else's problem. 

She has to shoo off several more attempts to 'help' her but eventually finds a door! With a window in it that shows stairs on the other side! 

Unfortunately the door is heavy steel and it seems to be locked; there's a sort of panel beside it, but it's not magical and it's unclear how to interact with it. 

Past the stair-door is a sort of alcove with a bunch of what look kind of like weird double doors in it? They lack handles, though. 


...she touchsights past the doors, and decides to watch for a while to see what people do with them.


Eventually a gaggle of people in the same odd loose cotton clothing, this time all in matching pink, crowd in together with drink-cups in their hand - that look like they're made of paper or something - and one of them pokes a circle beside one of the doors. 

Something lights up - it might be text in another language - and there's a dinging noise. The people fidget. One of them approaches Belrun for, presumably, a repeat of the exact same concerned conversation as before. 


She does her best to look exasperated and long-suffering, sighs, points at the elevator. Oh, it has arrows. She gets into the elevator.


They join her. One of them hits a different circle inside. 

The doors on the metal box close and it starts moving! It seems to be going up. 

After a bit it stops and the doors open again and the people in pink get off, one of them muttering something concerned at Belrun and hesitating before moving on. 

Leareth is not here, though, he's - somewhere vaguely thataway and maybe a little down? 


Oh dear, down. Well, she'll get off and proceed thataway and see if there is a way down in the thataway direction.


There's a hallway and then a set of heavy metal doors. Which are locked. There's another panel next to them, still non-magical. The pink-clad people have headed off in the other direction and are out of sight. 


Does Leareth seem like he might be like RIGHT past those doors.


Probably not right past those doors! He's close, for sure, and this place has NO shields, but the feeling of him is oddly muted given the range. He's probably still at an angle somewhere below her, as well as maybe fifty yards ahead and...some distance to the left...? 


Okay, so this is not a great candidate for spending dwindling reserves on. She will meander left looking for other, likelier doors, or a flight of stairs.

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