It is a well-known fact that flying into clouds can lead to loss of orientation.
It is a less well-known fact that flying into clouds may lead one somewhere else entirely.
In fact, only one person has learned this so far.
A rain of inventory-sized dirt blocks ensues. Now the island consists of him, three cloud blocks, seven globed harpies, and five floating trees. (None of them contain a partridge.)
When he has sawn about halfway through the trunk, that grid-section of the tree and all the grid-sections above it spontaneously convert into inventory-sized cubes of Wood. The rest of the tree stays put.
Within a certain distance of the ground, their flight pattern changes from "attempted attack" to "attempted escape"; as soon as he unglobes them they all fly away.
He sorts through the item descriptions of everything he touches. Anything buried deep underground conveniently labeled The Thing With Which You Win The Game?
Nope. Lots and lots and lots of different kinds of blocks, and some interesting things like bookcases and exotic chests in the Pink Dungeon Brick tunnels, but nothing that will openly admit to being a victory condition.
"I am here to give you advice on what to do next. It is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck," says the person(?).
"When you have enough wood, create a workbench. This will allow you to create more complicated things, as long as you are standing close to it," he suggests.
The workbench declines to be placed in this invalid location. Valid locations must be aligned with the grid.
Okay: The platform is now adjacent to and aligned with the top of a wood block. Remove wood block. Place workbench on platform.