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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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She takes a week to surveil the terrain and any wards surrounding Azkaban, then begins to put together a plan of attack. She also queries her followers for ability to produce a corporeal Patronus.


A small chunk of them can.

Bellatrix can, though she notes it's a bit of a weak spot for her - or at least used to be.


She will arrange a practice session for everyone who can cast a Patronus and wishes to participate in an assault on Azkaban.

At the session, she is very briefly surprised when she produces a small housecat as her demonstration cast. Probably only Bellatrix is familiar enough with her to catch it.


Bellatrix catches it - but is surprised herself when her cast creates a large, very solid python, laughing in delight as she strokes its misty head.

(Her troubles with the Patronus seem gone.)



She makes sure all the other attendees are up to standard, then explains the plan. There are a number of prisoners inside Azkaban that do not deserve to be there. They will be removing them. The dementors are the prison's main defense, hence the Patronuses. For the other wards, she has the following plan. Also details about floor plans, cell blocks, and prisoner locations.


It's pretty thorough, and also a popular proposal with her group - no one who thinks for very long about Azkaban likes it, especially if they're the sort of people the Ministry tends to disproportionately incarcerate.

"Why don't we just free everyone?" Bellatrix asks.


"Some of the residents, though not many, are a legitimate threat to society. And not the sort I can endorse. We do not at the moment have the resources necessary to hold them in a more humane fashion, and I have concerns that deprived of their food entirely, the dementors would simply scatter."




"In the future we will revisit the issue, but this is not an action I wish to delay."


"Yeah. It's better to get this done soon rather than perfect."


And so after setting up a time and place for the rendezvous, the group disperses.

"There is another aspect," she says to Bella once they're back home.




"Dumbledore's father is among the prisoners we will be rescuing."



"Is he in there on dumb reasons?"



"Albus had a sister, once upon a time. They lived in a mixed community, and when she was young, some of the local muggle boys happened upon her playing with her childish magic. They beat her and in retaliation, Dumbledore the elder attacked them. When his father was banished to Azkaban for that crime, Albus had to curtail his studies to return home and care for his sister and mother. I am informed he was quite resentful of this necessity."

"While he was there, he made friends with another young malcontent, a boy by the name of Gellert Grindelwald."


" - Dumbledore had not struck me as the sort of person who'd like Grindelwald."


"He hides it well, don't you think?"


"He really does."


"So releasing his father should drag up all sorts of bad memories, especially if we make sure people notice that we did it."


She smirks. "Remind them about daddy dearest."




"So, we know where his dad is in Azkaban?"


"We do. It is here." She locates it for Bellatrix. "Your primary mission, once inside, will be ensuring his safe extraction."


She nods, examining the map. "It's not too deep, at least."


"One piece of fortune for us."

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