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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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"I'm perfectly okay," she says. "Honest. Got out of it with nothing worse than some smoke inhalation and scratches, and those barely required treatment."


"...I don't like - worrying if you've been hurt."

Or if you will be hurt.


Squeeze. "I'm sorry. But I can't avoid every risk."


She frowns. "Why can't you avoid this one, though? Just - there's risks, and then there's - picking fights."


"This is the hardest to avoid," she says, gently. "Because I can't simply do nothing. Not and remain myself."


"Why not?"

"I've read their statements. It's - not like they want something evil."


"They don't," she says, "Not in their propaganda, at least, and not in the world they imagine at the end."

"It isn't even that the ends don't justify the means, Bella - it's that your ends are created from your means. What they're doing right now will not lead to the world they claim they want. All it will do is destroy people who didn't agree or deserve to be in the line of fire, who didn't start this war or the circumstances for it."


"They've been just targeting people who did evil things, though. How can you know it won't work? People don't want to be killed. They'll stop doing wrong things, eventually."


"If I put a knife to your throat, and told you to smile nicely at your family, what would you do?"


"...Kill you. Cut my own throat before I obeyed."


She nods.


"Most people are cowards, though, and I'm right."


"Just about everyone thinks they're brave and right."


She frowns, glancing away.

"What would you do, then, to get the changes that need to be made?"


"For one, not starting the violence is better for propaganda - and for international acceptance, which you'd need to have a government. The current system's set up so that nonviolent resistance and strikes, especially by those most affected, are largely ineffective, so I'd make a show of trying those - get foreign media involved, contact all of Britain's allies and their newspapers. Send ambassadors to argue in foreign courts. Get pressure put on Britain from the outside. Present a very reasonable-sounding platform with clear, actionable demands from the start. Nothing vague about revolution and change - that's easy to dismiss or argue with or cast in a bad light. Present a single known, charismatic figure - a figure-head, if the group's actual driver is less good at winning hearts and minds."

"If that fails? Start working - subtly, ideally with patsies so none of this can be traced back to me - on quietly removing or subverting major opposition. Killing people bloodily makes a good spectacle, gets people talking about you, but the message it sends isn't 'change, or else' - it's 'kill the people doing this, or else.' No one actually trusts that the Final Dawn will spare its enemies if they get out of its way, which means its enemies have no reason to negotiate - and every reason to escalate. Which will piss off more marginal people, send more people who're lost and angry and vulnerable to the Final Dawn's side - allowing escalation in kind. The only place that leads is mass chaos and an empire of ashes."

"If you want an intact society at the end and getting everyone to agree about what that looks like is impossible - quite frankly, we have nearly undetectable mind control, and even more nearly undetectable ways to assassinate people. If you can break through the wards of the most well protected members of society, and slowly and bloodily murder them in their own homes, you can Obliviate them, recreate their memories, reorder their personalities, and send them back out."

"That'd have dramatic aftershocks compared to using standard diplomatic channels - but fewer than setting society on fire. And if you were extremely cautious and lucky, and you managed it without what you're doing becoming widely known, you could subvert everyone in power and start a slow transition to the people and systems you want in power instead, slowly phasing out your mind controlled politicians through convenient accidents until there's no evidence you ever mind controlled anyone."




"It's not a perfect plan by any means, but..."

"Neither is what's happening right now. The Final Dawn's current plans are - pretty much either if you're an ideologue blinded to reality, or you're trying to burn down the country."



"But - then why reveal yourself to fight openly?"


"I wanted to protect the people there, too. I'd alerted the Aurors and the paper's manager when I figured out the pattern of attacks, but they didn't believe me enough to act on."

"Also, it's helpful to me right now to be known to be openly opposing the Final Dawn. To make a bold statement like that, and to increase the danger of doing raids like this. Mostly because wizards are stupid, but."


" - Do you have any backup?"


Grin. "No. Just me, and some Aurors who're now grudgingly accepting I might have good tips."

"Are you offering?"


...She won't betray her Lady, never, of course, but - she won't spy on Fay, even if... Even if if she didn't belong to her Lady she probably would offer help. Make Fay accept someone watching her back.

"No. I - can't. Not now."

She was - supposed to be sounding Fay out for conversion. But now she's not even sure what she's converting Fay to.



"I'll stay safe regardless, though."

And their food comes, and Fay turns the conversation to lighter topics.


Fay better.

(It's an excellent date, despite the unsettling conversation.)

(Still. Bellatrix is... Bothered, when she returns to her Lady late that night.)


"Tell me what troubles you."

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