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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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He nods.


"I will be in touch. I look forward to working with you."


He hums. "I look forward to it too, actually."


"Excellent. Until then." She gives him a nod of farewell and departs.


He nods back, before meandering deeper into the gardens - it seems he intends to stay a while.


She finds a quiet spot to Apparate out and back home.


Where Bellatrix is getting ready to meet up with Fay over dinner tonight - though she does still have a few hours before she should really focus on that...


Oh good. That's enough time for a short lesson, at least.


Mm, excellent.


Very educational.

But she'll let her Bella go in plenty of time.


Such a kind Lady.

She dresses nicely but not fancily for her dinner date with Fay, arriving at the restaurant - cozy, small, private, muggle - a bit early and decides to wait outside.


Fay's there - slightly less early, but still a bit. She grins as she walks up, calling out, "Bella! It's good to see you."


She pulls her friend into a hug. "It's good to see you too, Fay."


Hug! And then untangling a bit, though she still takes Bellatrix's arm as they walk into the restaurant. "It feels like it's been forever - pretty much since your birthday."


...No brain do not feel guilty. Either for not talking to Fay enough or for being the only one really aware they met within the last week.

"Yeah," she says, trying not to sound as awkward as she feels, and quickly distracts herself by getting them a table and menus.


She pauses, eyeing Bellatrix with some concern, then, as they're sitting: "How've you been? Especially with - everything."


She shrugs.

...She'd killed her parents after her birthday date with Fay, and Fay'd sent her an owl asking if she was okay and if she wanted to meet up, and Bellatrix -

Hadn't really responded. She hadn't known how to talk to Fay.

"Alright," she says. "I - haven't grieved or anything. Cissy's been kinda upset though. Andy's not really talking to me anymore."


She places her hand over Bellatrix's. "I get it," she says, gaze soft. Squeeze. "You don't need to mourn."

"And your sisters love you. They'll heal in their own time."


She glances down.

"I'm happy, is - the real how I've been."


"Good." She smiles a little. "You deserve to be happy."


She smiles back. "Sorry I've been an - avoidant flake."


"It's alright." She runs her thumb over Bellatrix's hand. "Emotions are tough, and life's busy." Squeeze. "But you can always talk to me, alright? Even if it's been years, even if it's something big - I'll always make time for you, and I promise not to judge."


She makes an awkward expression that's only loosely pretending to be a smile.

"Alright," she says, softly, squeezing back. "I just..."

"Sometimes not judging's hard."


"Well, fortunately I'm very competent."


She laughs. "You are."

"Speaking of your remarkable competence - are you okay? I heard you got into a pretty bad fight last week."

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