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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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"Ah, I see. She is quite skilled. And as pretty as you gave her credit for."


She giggles a little, relief pouring through her. "When she showed up I was - mostly just so scared she'd get herself killed..."


"Unfounded, it seems. She was very well prepared."


Another giggle. "I'm sorry she messed up our mission, my Lady."


"Not irrecoverably. The property damage will make the point almost as well, and we did get valuable information."


Kiss. "Definitely. And I'm pretty sure I killed at least one target, and we definitely at least wounded some others."



"Go clean up, Bella dear. We will debrief after."


"Yes, my Lady."

She cleans herself with magic - she likes luxuriating in her showers, and there's no time now - and makes sure her mask is intact, cleans the blood splatter and smoke off of it, buffs out a few scratches.

(She doesn't bother dressing before the debrief, of course.)


And then to the secured rendezvous point. Once everyone who survived has arrived, she begins the meeting, getting everyone's assessment of what went right, what went wrong, what they could have done better, and the opposition they faced.


Survival rates, sadly, weren't a hundred percent, and nearly everyone got wounded, but they at least think the survivors all got out before the Aurors showed up - and a few of them actually did think to retrieve the two who were too wounded to Apparate, and one person actually thought to retrieve their three dead (one of whom turned out to be still alive, but is on death's door, and they don't have very many professionally trained healers). 

They're shaken, especially the muggleborn recruits who've never actually been in a battle with resistance before, but they rally well. 

Bastet, of course, has the most in depth analysis, especially on points they faltered or did well magically, but many of the lower ranked Dawn Bringers also make relevant notes.

They need more thorough plans for significant opposition, and most importantly for people getting badly wounded or captured, one woman says, bluntly. They need not just healers but certified medi-wizards and medi-witches.

There should've been a review - or perhaps automatic monitoring - on Bastet's runic anchors before the fight, a werewolf notes. Seeking them out to check them physically risks revealing them, but clearly some of them were findable anyways - and the way the spell failed highlighted the others, though they didn't get eyes on how those others were removed.

The property damage was actually fairly impressive, a vampire muses. For strikes like this - surrounding the building more subtly than by just all Apparating in, setting up anti-Apparition wards, and then setting the place on fire and killing anyone who comes out would likely be harder to foul up. Far less discriminate, though - they'd have to be genuinely aiming to kill everyone inside, which wasn't the case here.

The fact that the damage did become largely indiscriminate within the Prophet's office might do some damage to public relations, another muggleborn muses. They weren't quite at the 'kill everyone associated with the paper' stage after all, and... Lots of more sympathetic figures would've been caught in this attack.

"We need profiles of the groups or notable individuals that'll oppose us," Bastet says, too, at the end. "Not just the Ministry and the Aurors. That woman wasn't a Ministry employee - and if we're getting one vigilante on our scent, we'll get more, and 'random mage with an ax to grind' is harder to track or predict than the movements of an overgrown, decrepit police force. And profiles shouldn't just have who they are, how they're a threat - we need to proactively identify people who might be threats, and subvert them."


She thanks everyone for their contributions in turn, and delegates groups to investigate avenues of response where appropriate.

"She was not acting alone, if my suspicions are correct. I need to do a little more work to confirm, but in the meantime, be alert for more like her interrupting our operations. They will likely come alone or in small groups, with a wider and more unconventional range of skills than the average Auror. Prepare carefully, be cautious, and always have an escape route."

"That will be all for now. Go, rest and recover. I will send word when we have another target."


Her people nod or murmur assent, accept their missions, and disperse.

And Bastet flops in her Lady's lap.


Pet pet.

"It is Dumbledore," she says. "He used the same tactics against Grindelwald. Lone, deniable operatives to distract, derail, and harass. He did not take the field himself until the very end, until it was that or let Grindelwand set foot on England's shores."


She slips her mask off, frowning. "I never saw her talk to Dumbledore, actually, and she doesn't have any kind of preexisting relationship with him at all, just 'he somehow pissed her dad off enough her dad moved to America rather than send her to Hogwarts,' and... I don't think she's been back to Hogwarts since summer holidays started... But he could've approached her, yeah."

"I can meet with Fay, see if - she'll tell me anything... Though that'd feel... Odd. I - want to ask her if she's okay, but. I. Don't want to feel like I'm betraying her, even though I'm fully on your side and she's not."

"...Though 'meeting up' is probably moot if she identifies me as Bastet by the shape of my butt."


"Send her an owl, perhaps. After news of the attack and her part in it has had time to disseminate."


"I'd like to - actually see her, but - I can ask to meet over owl at least..."


"I would not want to lose you, Bella."


Kiss. "I'm yours. Always. I'll be careful around her, I promise, but - "

"I - don't think she'd just automatically side with me if she knew who I was, but... I think she'd avoid killing me."

"I just. Don't want her to know. Because I don't want her to hate me, or stop being my friend, and - if I stop ever seeing her out of fear, that. Won't be any better."


"If this is what you want, then I will not forbid it of you."



"I love you."

"I want to be her friend."

"I want to wrap her up, and drop her at your feet, and make her apologize for ever opposing you - make her beg to be allowed to pay off that debt."

"It's... I'd end my friendship with her. I'd do anything to her. If you wanted me to, or needed me to. But I want to be her friend, more than - anything else I want just of her."


"We may yet get both, dear Bella." She strokes her hair.


She nuzzles her Lady's stomach.

"I want both. I want her happy at your feet."


"I would like that as well. What I saw of her today was... intriguing."


Giggle. "Yeah. She's - amazing. She's pretty and smart and dangerous, and I want you to own her because I think if anyone else is worthy of being yours, she is."

"And I want her to be yours, because I love you, and I'm so happy at your feet, and I care about her and want her to have that, too."


"I do love you, my dear Bella." Kiss!

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