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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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She whines a little, reaching in to stroke the collar.


It wriggles a bit closer to her hand.

"Pick it up and it will put itself on. It carries protective enchantments and cannot be removed except by you or I. And..." she rolls up her sleeve to show a fresh tattoo inside her left wrist in the shape of a lion. "While you wear it, you will be able to find me as I can you."


"I love you," she says, picking up her collar.


"I love you too, pretty girl."

The two snakes separate and slither around her neck, twisting back together until they're snugly in place, with the eyes at the cleft in her collarbone.


She wiggles and raises a hand to stroke the collar again.

(The eyes flash green as they pass through a patch of sunlight; alexandrite really is her favorite gem.)


She hisses at the collar and it tightens briefly around Bella's throat before relaxing again.




She fluffs Bellatrix's hair to display the collar to best effect. "There we are."


Kiss. "I love it."




Happy wiggle as she leans her head on her Lady's shoulder.

"Thank you so much, for - everything."


"You are most welcome, my dear Bella."


She sighs and snuggles her Lady.

She's been using the ritual to minimize sleep, but... She's tired right now, and oh so very cozy.


Pretty sleepy baby. She wraps one arm around Bella and pulls her close.

While her apprentice sleeps, she drafts letters to her other followers. The time to step up their campaign fast approaches.


Bellatrix helps a good bit with the stepping up - her attacks on her family are spread out enough that she has significant time to devote to her Lady's projects, even with her family increasingly entrenching themselves and requiring ever more planning.

(Her younger sisters go to stay with the same uncle as Sirius and Regulus. Bellatrix debates for a while returning their things, but... Her sisters deserve their stuff. Even if it'll obviously reveal Bellatrix herself as the perpetrator.)

(Cissy takes the idea that Bellatrix murdered their parents in even-keeled stride. Andy is clearly bothered, but... She didn't like them either, and she doesn't turn Bellatrix in.)


She equips her other followers with robes the color of the dawn, and enchanted masks representing various animals. (The lion is, of course, reserved for her Bella.) She has them begin daylight raids, hit-and-run attacks, a riot in Diagon Alley. The Daily Prophet, the largest newspaper and the one most closely linked to the Ministry, downplays or ignores these outright. The smaller papers tend report events accurately and with no small sense of growing alarm, though some seem more approving than others.

Those last begin to fold, bought out or intimidated or fined into silence. The Prophet holds these up as examples of the Ministry taking decisive action, to firmly address the mad ravings of a few, very few, fringe lunatics.

She decides that the Prophet ought to step aside and let others speak.

The journalist with the most bylines in the offending articles has the fingers of his quill hand cut off and the words 'freedom of speech' carved into his arm. An editor has his tongue cut out and the sigil of the Final Dawn branded on his back with molten lead from one of the presses.

And then it is time to make a statement at the Prophet's main office. She wants Bella with her for this, her first public appearance.


Mmm, finally. 

Bellatrix is exceptionally eager. Almost bouncing. She's designed her own mask rather lovingly, black with gold and red accents, bearing a sun and a snake on her forehead. 


It is rather beautiful. She herself bears no mask, of course. She is who she is.

(She will leave it up to Bella if she would like to be robed or not. First impressions are important.)


She wants to stand out from her Lady's other servants - and absent a chance to villainously monologue, it'll be very nice if the name of Bastet is fully visible.


Fair enough.

They'll time their attack for the midmorning, to ensure that the most of their targets will be present.


Bastet is quite ready in all her glory, wearing naught but her mask and a wand holster on her thigh. She's practically glowing with eagerness - and the appearance of the Dawn Bringers before the doors of the Daily Prophet's main office starts a delightful panic on the street. Bastet laughs, loud and clear, flexing her hands and raising her wand - 

The doors of the Prophet crumble into ash before her.


She flicks her wand and bars spring into being in front of the other doors and windows.


And Bastet brings down wards to prevent Apparition in or out - prepared ahead of time with rune anchors she's dropped around the area - 

Or tries to.

Several of her rune anchors appear to be missing, and the spell fizzles with arcing cracks of blue discharge. It'll make Apparition harder still, make people more likely to splinch themselves - but the effect's inconsistent, and the remaining anchors are now highlighted.

"Fuck," she mutters, glancing briefly at her Lady. But they can recover from this - they'll just have to move quicker.


"Move," she says quietly to Bellatrix.

She turns back to the street. "Lies have consequences," she shouts with magically amplified voice. "And the light of the Dawn will expose them." Then she turns to follow Bella in.


She moves quickly, idly setting things on fire as she enters - and pauses once she's inside. 

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