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It can be Bella's choice.



Kiss... And she's off.

And back very soon, with one Miss Jane Avery, a Slytherin pure-blood Bellatrix had the misfortune of rooming with. Bellatrix has her under the Imperius with a smirk on her lips, and makes her toy kneel before her Lady as Bellatrix goes to give her Lady a kiss. "One pretty girl, in good condition."


"So I see. Well done."



"You should tell me exactly what to do to her, my Lady."


She smiles, and does just that.

Certainly nothing young Avery would agree to of her own will.


Makes it all the more delightful, and Bellatrix is so very eager to please.

Sadly, alas, no beautiful flower of youth can last forever, and far too soon poor Avery is all torn up.

(Bellatrix is a bit too busy admiring her Lady to really care.)


She vanishes the remains of poor pretty Avery and lays hands on her beautiful Bella.




She'll soon be making a different sort of noise.


Not a bad trade at all.


No, it isn't.

And soon enough, the time has come to set the stage for the first act of the Tragedy of the Blacks.


She chooses May the twenty-fifth - a Monday, exactly three weeks after her initiation. No one visits Violetta that day, since it's her usual off day from a weekend full of parties and entertainment.

Violetta herself is old and knowledgeable - but her sight's been going, her joints swelling, and Bellatrix is very sure her spells aren't as keen as they once were. She almost never sees her great-grandmother use magic anymore, after all.

She's cautious all the same, entering the house as the dawn's breaking, slipping through wards that know her and welcome her as a prodigal daughter. She handles the house elves first, quietly, breaking their bonds (so much easier as a cuckoo in the Black nest than it had been with her cousin), lightly muddying the memories of any who see her (just enough they can't identify her, even if caught again), and telling them -

You are free.

The Final Dawn will free all elfkind. You may march by us. You may leave.

You are free.


And, an hour after Bellatrix enters, when her great-grandmother is usually being brought her morning tea by her slaves, Violetta Black gets a very rude awakening.

Even without her Lady here - Bellatrix delights in humiliating her family's matriarch, delights in torturing her great-grandmother, the very woman who constantly pushed her parents every time they seemed even slightly inclined to abuse their daughters even a hair less. Delights in breaking the woman, in forcing her to wait on her blood traitor of a great-granddaughter hand and foot. In keeping the Imperius as a light touch, enough her great-grandmother can appreciate what's happening. In slowly hurting her more and more, until even under the Imperius her body gives out.

Bellatrix, of course, is prepared for when this happens, and with a cruel smirk arranges it so her great-grandmother is bringing her tea at the time.

She meets Violetta Black's gaze, gleeful at the fear she sees, and says, "Oh my, are you too old to carry a tea tray anymore? Tsk, tsk."

(It's ridiculously petty, but that's the insane standard the Blacks traditionally place on house elf lives.)

(There was a matronly old elf, once, in Bellatrix's childhood, who cared for the young girl rather than withdrawing as so many of the family slaves did. Her joints failed, in time, and Bellatrix's father had her head mounted on the wall until Bellatrix nearly burned down the house in a bit of 'accidental magic.' Bellatrix hasn't thought about that elf in years, but now a cold fury burns in her chest at the memory.)

She cuts off her great-grandmother's head very, very slowly.


The body goes in the trash, riddled with wounds. Bellatrix takes down every head hung on the dining room's accent wall, handling them with care, and notes to ask Dobby what a house elf burial should look like. The mark of the Final Dawn replaces the plaques, huge and angry, and Bellatrix hangs Violetta Black's mounted head right in the middle. The little plaque beneath her chin reads 'The First of Many.'

She's out by sundown, returning to her Lady.


She pulls the memory out of Bella's head-

-and laughs and laughs.

"Oh, my dear girl. You really are a delight."


She laughs too, kissing her Lady. "That was really satisfying, but... Not exactly exciting or arousing," she says, with a soft smile. "I'm starting to see what you meant by different flavors of fun."


She taps Bellatrix on the forehead. "A more cerebral satisfaction."


"I guess I can use that part of my brain sometimes."


"As my apprentice, I wish for you to engage all aspects of your being. Your full potential willl remain unrealized otherwise."


"Yes, ma'am."


Indulgent smile. "Good girl."


She giggles. "Only for you, my Lady."


"Yes. Only for me."



"...I should. Get the heads to Dobby. Just. Quickly."



"Hurry back, dear Bella."


"I will."

She heads off - and does actually spend a respectful amount of time talking to Dobby, even though the desire to be with her Lady burns under her skin. Still, once that responsibility is discharged -

Back immediately to her Lady.


Who can discharge that burning desire quite pleasurably, as she reaffirms her ownership.

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