look we all know what the best magical creature is
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"I can't wait."




Heee! Kiss. 

A small giggle, then,  and: "But even without breathing fire, you're already the hottest."


She baps Anathema on the shoulder. "That was terrible."


She laughs. "But it's true."


"Which is why you're getting off so lightly!"


"Truth is an excellent defense."


Hum. "Particularly when it comes to my many fine qualities."


Quick kiss. "As many fine qualities as stars in the sky."


"And all of them as shiny."


"As worthy of wonder and worship."


"Though, it must be said, slightly less convenient to predict."


"Part of your unlimited charm. Predictable can get boring."




Small wiggle.

"I love you."


"I love you too."




Things go okay, mostly, in the lead up to winter break. Fay cautions Ellie not to escalate showing Voldemort too much - she doesn't want Ellie to show anything of their house or hometown, and she doesn't want that overly suspicious (though she's after some thought more alright with showing miscellaneous areas they're passing through). Umbridge continues being obnoxious. She doesn't get any professors or teacher's assistants thrown out, but does win more 'oversight' of many of them, demanding copies of some of the essays they've graded for review, demanding to take over administering their detentions... (Hagrid's never given detentions, nor, actually, has Fay - she'll just sit down students getting up to things they shouldn't and calmly discuss things until they're squirming. Flitwick ever does, but he quickly stops.) It sounds like she's also trying to get hold of Ellie and Anathema's past records to challenge their inclusion in NEWT classes, apparently implying something improper is going on. She's being blocked so far, but, well. Obnoxious.

Flitwick is at least rather helpful with teaching Ellie flight charms. They're difficult, he explains, though some people have the knack for them. He doesn't, really, except for a general magical talent, and has just been being stubborn - Ellie's talent on a broom might in fact help her along. He teaches her and Anathema the wand motions and incantations, then gives them reading and practice assignments for over winter break (with a cheerful warning not to fall behind in their classes).

Winter break rolls in before anyone can strangle Umbridge, at least, and the charms over their house to hide light broomstick flight and impulsive Animagus transformations are perfect for hiding Ellie's flight experiments. Fay takes them out of the house a lot, usually into muggle London. It's a good, lovely break, even with everything creeping up around them.

They return to an announcement that Umbridge successfully got several Educational Decrees - she has the ability to pass 'minor' decrees of her own for 'disciplinary adjustments,' has dissolved all clubs with the requirement they get her permission to reform, has instituted a rule requiring students to inform her of any breaches in the rules they become aware of, and has instituted a rule requiring all disciplinary measures against students go to her for review, giving herself the ability to take over or dismiss any detentions, as well as to override 'improper' changes to House Cup points. She mentions that she will be forming a 'hall monitor' club, for students who wish to learn about civic responsibility.


Why doesn't she just go ahead and install herself as Headmaster? It'd be a lot cleaner.

Suppose this means the History club is going underground.


...Yep! She does not, in fact, allow a single History club to reform. (She drags her feet on Quidditch, but eventually does allow it.) There's some shuffling - they'll need a classroom that isn't easily spied on, is the first problem... Which is hard to find, especially since they don't want to include any students who'll immediately run to Umbridge.

(One of the house elves, while the girls are visiting the kitchen about a week later, mentions, off-handed, that he heard that there might be students needing good place to study? There's a room no one but the house elves seems to know is there that might be good, though it isn't there all the time - the Come and Go Room. Very quiet, very secluded, very good study place, he's heard it can pull up any book at all that Hogwarts has if you're wanting a study room out of it.)


Oh, yes, that does sound good. If the elves are willing to share?


Of course! It's important that students be studying without all the noise. School is for learning!

It's on the seventh floor of the main building - the leftmost corridor from the main staircase, with the windows overlooking the Forbidden Forest. There's a blank bit of wall across from a tapestry of trolls dancing ballet, and if you walk back and forth in front of it three times while thinking really hard about what you need, a door will form, leading to that. He pauses, and notes that it can't create food, or things it doesn't know about, but if the kitchen knows what sorts of snacks the students will need and when, they can set the food out for the room to bring up.

The door vanishes after you go in or if you walk out of sight of it, and while you're inside, the room can't be opened to anything else, though anyone who knows what you specified when you opened it can get into the room you've made.


It'll require a bit of coordination and they'll have to keep the secret from Umbridge's snitch squad, but it's better than the regular classrooms.


People being able to open the door if they know what it's being used for sounds concerning, too... Even if they can, like, have a secret password requirement you think of when making the room, and have one person inside and one other person who knows the secret to stand outside and let people in, probably Umbridge's snitches could just camp outside the door...


Could they make 'a passage to somewhere else in the castle' part of the room they want?

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