Seducers? Oh look, another reason not to have sex with anyone. As if he needed more of those.
So there's physical access points here. Hell, maybe he's a physical access point. It sounds like the Hymn is an overlay to the physical world... Not a simulation, but a physical place with persistent 'magic' that runs as a computer system laid on top.
If he believes that. All this information is new and videogamey and the easiest way to run a video game is on a computer, not in reality. And he definitely died. He was hit by a truck and crushed and ohgodithurts-
Deep breaths.
Anyway, there's so much bullshit here that it basically has to be a simulation.
What do the simulators want?
No, no, not the time to get into thoughts like that. He'll be stewing for days.
He's feeling restless and tense. A new world, coding-like superpowers (that he doesn't know that much about yet), a chance after death. And if he buys into the premise here, he's basically the hero from another dimension who has to save the world. He should be doing something. He should be figuring out how to get out of this metal box. If this is a video game he can blunder around exploring and nothing will immediately eat him.
But is it? Genre knowledge does not work in real life. If this is 'realistic', or somehow actually a real other world, his expectations of things based on how video games work are useless at best and misleadingly dangerous at worst.
...Ugh. Thinking in circles, just like he predicted.
He pulls up the Hymnos manual again. Does it have any function that can detect the Corruptor virus? For that matter, 'summon clothes'? Even if he's a "data" administrator (implying there's more types) there ought to be some general stuff right...?