The timer beeps. It's officially her third day.
She closes her coloring book and puts her colored pencils away.
She orders some Aphrodia juice and slurps it through a straw.
... mmmmm. Alright, time to take on the day.
Is she going to bother with clothes? No, she's not going to bother with clothes. It'll be a nice surprise for Hannah.
She walks over to Hannah's room nude and knocks on the door.
"I like you, and that spluttering bravery of yours is really endearing. I like the new necklace too. Come inside." She steps back.
Audrey's hand goes to her sex-swap pendant. "Oh. Yeah, you can see that when I'm not wearing clothes..."
"This is the Rose Bowers. It's not so weird. Anyway I should stop standing in the hallway..."
Hannah's room has shifted since last she saw it. Now there's no bed, just a wide pit full of pillows in the center of the room. A gold chandelier hangs overhead, and an aquarium has been set up along one of the room's walls. The VR console from before is no longer in evidence.